Watches Haxe source files changes
|-- on "watcher-start"
| > Start the watcher if it is not already running
|-- on "watcher-stop"
| > Stop the watcher if it is running. Also can kill the Haxe compilation
| > cache process (any `haxe` processes actually).
|-- on "watcher-status"
| > Returns the current status of the watcher
|-- on "watcher-clear"
| > Clear the changes list in the state file
|-- on "server-shutdown"
| > Shut down the server
|-- on "watcher-observe"
> Adds the client connection as a listener to notify when the watcher
> runs or stops. Immediately returns the current watcher state.
The watcher is not an independent process but a part of the server. So when the server exits, the watcher stops running.
|-- / The same commands as in the server (see above) /
| > "start" and "observe" commands are trying to run the server if
| > it isn't already.
|-- "observe"
| > Starts listening the server for the watcher state updates. Prints
| > the watcher state to the console in the following format:
| > STATUS: 1
| > (or) STATUS: 0
|-- "server"
| > Runs the server as a child process, redirecting all its output
| > to the console. May be useful for debugging.
The interface spawns a short-life client for sending messages to the server.