A Storybook for HTML decorator for running JavaScript on stories
A Storybook for HTML decorator that executes JavaScript modules once a story has rendered. This can be useful when JavaScript functionality is dependent on the fully-rendered DOM being available within a story.
npm install @degjs/storybook-decorator-script-runner
As a global decorator in .storybook/preview.js
import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/html';
import scriptRunner from '@degjs/storybook-decorator-script-runner';
import someGlobalModule from 'someGlobalModule';
import tabs from 'tabs`;
globalModules: {
dynamicModules: {
As a decorator within a story:
import scriptRunner from '@degjs/storybook-decorator-script-runner';
import tabs from 'tabs`;
export default {
title: 'Tabs',
decorators: [ scriptRunner ],
parameters: {
scripts: {
dynamicModules: {
Module Execution
The Script Runner decorator executes JavaScript modules after a story has finished rendering to the DOM. It does this by listening for the STORY_RENDERED
Storybook event. JavaScript modules are expected to be executable functions.
Global and Dynamic Modules
The Script Runner decorator can execute two types of JavaScript modules: global and dynamic.
A global module is JavaScript that should be executed for any story that the Script Runner decorator applies to. Global modules do not necessarily depend on the specific HTML content of a story.
A dynamic module is JavaScript that should only be executed if a specific DOM element exists within the HTML of a story. The Script Runner decorator searches the story HTML for one or more elements that contain a specific data attribute (data-module
by default) with a value that matches the name of the JavaScript module. If such an element is found, the module will be executed and the element will be passed as a function parameter. This is useful for dynamically executing JavaScript functionality for a component if the supporting HTML for the component exists within a story.
The example below will execute a Tabs JavaScript module for a story:
/* .storybook/preview.js */
import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/html';
import scriptRunner from '@degjs/storybook-decorator-script-runner';
import tabs from 'tabs`;
dynamicModules: {
/* tabs/tabs.js */
function tabs({containerElement}) {
/* Add tab functionality to the containerElement */
export default tabs;
/* tabs/tabs.stories.js */
export default {
title: 'Components/Tabs'
/* The value of the `data-module` HTML attribute matches the name of the tabs module in the dynamicModules object */
export const defaultTabs = () => '<div class="tabs" data-module="tabs">...</div>';
globalModules: <object>,
dynamicModules: <object>,
moduleAttrName: <string>
globalModules: object
An object containing global modules to execute when a story is rendered. The value of each property in the object should be a module, and each module must be a function.
dynamicModules: object
An object containing dynamic modules to execute when a story is rendered. A dynamic modules is only executed if a corresponding DOM element in the rendered story is found. The name of each property in the object should be a module name, and the value of each property in the object should be a module itself. Each module must be a function. When the function is executed, it will be passed the following object as a parameter containing the corresponding DOM element:
containerElement: <element>
moduleAttrName: string
The name of a DOM element attribute containing the name of a dynamic module. This attribute links a DOM element to a dynamic module. Default: data-module