<div align="center">
HTML Renderer
declarative • minimalist • isomorphic
@defx/r5 is a small JavaScript library consisting of two essential utility functions that can be used to create and render HTML templates. R5's minimalist design is small and flexible enough to fit into any UI architecture, no matter how simple or complex.
R5 templates are written in standard JavaScript with Template Literals.
import { html, render } from "@defx/r5"
// create a template with the html tag function
const helloWorld = (name) => html`<p>Hello ${name} 👋</p>`
// render a template to the DOM
render(helloWorld("Kimberley"), document.body)
// effeciently update the existing DOM
render(helloWorld("Thea"), document.body)
Installation via NPM
npm install @defx/r5
Installation via CDN
import { html, render } from "https://www.unpkg.com/@defx/r5"
The HTML function is a Tag Function that accepts an HTML Template Literal. It returns an R5 template object, which is essentially a description of what needs to be rendered.
The render function takes an R5 template object and renders it to the provided DOM node. Subsequent invocations of the render function cause the existing DOM to be efficiently updated in only the places where values have changed.
When invoked on the server side, this function will always return a String of HTML, so it may be used in the same way for both server and client-side rendering.
You may also re-render server-rendered html in the browser to "hydrate" the event bindings (R5 will ignore the DOM update step if it sees that the existing HTML matches the generated template object)