Unopinionated Accessible Tree Component with Multi-Select and Drag-And-Drop
Clone of react-complex-tree with a Deepdub spin 🌀
This is a fork of https://github.com/lukasbach/react-complex-tree/tree/main/packages/core, v2.1.0. This clone was created because the original library had a few bugs, as well a lot of extra overhead for features we weren't using.
Run Locally
The easiest way to work with a local copy of this repository is to use yalc.
First, install it globally:
npm i -g yalc
Then, clone this repo and install its dependencies:
git clone https://github.com/deepdubcorp/react-complex-tree
cd react-complex-tree
yarn install
Finally, point your deepdubapp repo to this local version:
In react-complex-tree directory:
yalc publish
In deepdubapp directory:
yalc add react-complex-tree
yarn install
yarn start --force
Your app should now be using your local version.
Making Changes
After modifying the library, do the following to see the changes.
In react-complex-tree directory:
yarn build
yalc push
In deepdubapp directory:
yalc update react-complex-tree
yarn start --force
Cleaning Up
To un-link your local version:
In deepdubapp directory:
yalc remove react-complex-tree