node decorators - openapi decorators for swagger-ui-express and @decorators/express
Node decorators - express-openapi
decorators and swagger-ui implementation extending @decorators/express
npm install @decorators/express-openapi
enableOpenApi(app: express.Application, options: OpenApiOptions = {}): Promise<void>
Initiates the openapi document and attaches it to the application.
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
| ---- |----- | --------- | ----------- |
| app | express.Application
| | The application object |
| options | object
| optionalDefault: {}
| Options to configure swagger ui and the openapi document itself |
| options.serveInPath | string
| optionalDefault: /api-docs
| The url where the swagger-ui will be served |
| options.info | object
| optional | An object that represents the info
on the openapi document. For more info see https://swagger.io/docs/specification/basic-structure/ |
| options.info.title | string
| optionalDefault: package name taken from your package.json | |
| options.info.description | string
| optionalDefault: package description taken from your package.json | |
| options.info.version | string
| optionalDefault: package version taken from your package.json | |
| options.tags | object[]
| optional | List of tags following the openapi specifications |
| options.tags.[].name | string
| | The tag name. |
| options.tags.[].description | string
| optional | The tag description |
| options.servers | object[]
| optional | List of servers following the openapi specifications. See https://swagger.io/docs/specification/api-host-and-base-path/ |
| options.servers[].url | string
| | |
| options.servers[].description | string
| optional | |
| options.externalDocs | object
| optional | External documents definition following the openapi specifications. |
| options.externalDocs.url | string
| | |
| options.externalDocs.description | string
| optional | |
| options.security | object[]
| optional | Security schemes to be applied to the api |
| options.components.securitySchemes | object
| optional | An object that represents the components.securitySchemes
on the openapi document. For more info see https://swagger.io/docs/specification/authentication/ |
registerSchema(name: string, schema: SchemaDef): Promise<void>
Defines a schema on the openapi document
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
| ---- |----- | --------- | ----------- |
| name | string
| | The name of the schema in the openapi document |
| schema | object
| | A schema object following openapi specifications. See https://github.com/OAI/OpenAPI-Specification/blob/main/versions/3.0.3.md#schemaObject |
Class Decorators
@WithDefinitions(options: WithDefinitionsOpts)
Enables openapi definitions for a controller class (using @Controller()
from @decorators/express
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
| ---- |----- | --------- | ----------- |
| options | object
| | |
| options.tags | string[]
| optional | Tags to be applied to all routes on the controller |
| options.security | object[]
| optional | Security schemes to be applied to all routes on the controller |
| options.responses | object
| optional | Tags to be applied to all routes on the controller |
| options.basePath | string
| | The base path for all routes on the controller |
@Schema(name?: string)
Defines a new schema on the openapi document. Internally uses registerSchema
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
| ---- |----- | --------- | ----------- |
| name | string
| optionalDefault: The class name | The name of the schema |
Method Decorators - Route documentation
@Summary(summary: string)
Defines the summary of the operation
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
| ---- |----- | --------- | ----------- |
| summary | string
| | The operation's summary |
@Description(description: string)
Defines the description of the operation
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
| ---- |----- | --------- | ----------- |
| description | string
| | The operation's description |
@Param(name: string, location: ParamLocation, schema: SchemaDef, options: ParamOptions)
Adds a param definition to the operation
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
| ---- |----- | --------- | ----------- |
| name | string
| | The parameter name |
| location | string
| oneOf: query
, header
, path
or cookie
| Where the parameter is located |
| schema | object
| | A schema definition following openapi specifications |
| options | object
| optional | Options for the parameter following openapi specifications |
| options.description | string
| optional | |
| options.required | boolean
| optional | |
| options.deprecated | boolean
| optional | |
| options.allowEmptyValue | boolean
| optional | |
| options.contentMediaType | string
| optional | Media type definition complying with RFC 6838. If present, schema
is rendered under content
When using @Query()
, @Params()
, @Headers()
or @Cookies()
from @decorators/express
the name attribute, a basic parameter definition is automatically added to the openapi document.
This definition is equivalent to calling @Param(name, location)
without passing options.
If you need to define extra options, a new call of @Param(name, location, options)
will override the automatic definition.
class Constructor {
public getById(@Param('id') id, @Response() res) {
// ...
"parameters": [
{ "name": "id", "in": "path", "required": true }
class Constructor {
@Param('id', 'path', { required: true })
public getById(@Request() req, @Response() res) {
const id = req.params.id;
// ...
also produces
"parameters": [
{ "name": "id", "in": "path", "required": true }
@Tags(tag: string, ...tags: string[])
Defines one or more tags for the operation. If no tags are defined on method nor class level, then the class name will be used as default tag
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
| ---- |----- | --------- | ----------- |
| tag | string
| | |
| tags | string[]
| optional | |
Marks an operation as deprecated on the openapi document
@BodyContent(mediaType: string, schema: SchemaDef)
Marks an operation as deprecated on the openapi document
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
| ---- |----- | --------- | ----------- |
| mediaTye | string
| | Media type definition complying with RFC 6838 |
| schema | object
| | A schema definition following openapi specifications |
@Responses(def: { [key: string]: ResponseDescriptor })
Defines one or more responses for the operation
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
| ---- |----- | --------- | ----------- |
| def | object
| | A map of responses following openapi specifications. See https://swagger.io/docs/specification/describing-responses/ |
| def[] | object
| | |
| def[].description | string
| | The description for the response |
| def[*].content | object
| |
@OpenApiResponse(status: string | number, description: string)
Defines the description for a response
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
| ---- |----- | --------- | ----------- |
| status | string \| number
| | The response status |
| description | string
| | The description |
@OpenApiResponse(status: string | number, produces: string, schema: SchemaDef)
Defines one response schema for the operation
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
| ---- |----- | --------- | ----------- |
| status | string \| number
| | The response status |
| produces | string
| | The media type described |
| schema | object
| | A schema definition following the openapi specifications |
@Security(schemeName: string, scopes?: string[])
Applies a security scheme to the operation
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
| ---- | ---- | --------- | ----------- |
| schemeName | string
| | The scheme name |
| scopes | string[]
| optional | list of required scopes |
Property Decorators - Schema property
@Property(opts: SchemaDef & { required?: boolean })
Declares a property on a class using @Schema()
| Name | Type | Attribute | Description |
| ---- |----- | --------- | ----------- |
| opts | object
| | A property definition following the openapi specifications |