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DDS Material React
The base HTML/CSS package for Digital Design System. A customised Material UI theme file with extra custom components. Also available in Bootstrap framework.
Getting started: With NPM
npm install @ddsys/material
Getting started: With Yarn
yarn add @ddsys/material
Getting started: With GitHub
Clone this GitHub repository to your project folder.
Using DDS Material React in your project
- import @ddsys/material package and wrap your component with MuiThemeProvider
- import Themes from "@ddsys/material";
<MuiThemeProvider theme={createMuiTheme(Themes[index])}>
// add your components here. Like buttons and so on
<YourComponent> </YourComponent>
- In "YourComponent.js" import withStyles function
import { withStyles } from "@material-ui/core/styles";
// this theme contains BHP styles and colors
const styles = theme => {
return {
class_name_1: theme.styles.button.style,
class_name_2: {...theme.styles.button.style, "you can override styles here"},
function YourComponent(){
const { classes } = props;
// use class_name_1 in your component
return <div className={ classes.class_name_1 }> </div>
//wrap and export Your Component
export default withStyles(styles)(YourComponent);
Read more about Material UI theme on the offical documentation here.
Please refer to the DDS online documentation on how to create and add component into your project.