MVVM Framework for holochain apps using Lit
Compatible with:
- HDK v0.1.0 & HDI v0.2.0
- @holochain/client v0.12.0
Builds on the cell-proxy package to provide a MVVM framework for building web-UI in Lit for holochain apps.
npm i @ddd-qc/lit-happ
npm i @ddd-qc/cell-proxy
The Model-View-ViewModel ("MVVM") architectural pattern can be used for build holochain web apps by considering Holochain DNAs as the "Model" and LitElements as the "View". What is missing is the "ViewModel", the categorie of objects that formats data from the model in a way that it can be consumed and updated by the view (without actually knowing the exact implementations of Views). This package provides this categorie of objects.
To achieve this, the package makes use of Lit's reactive properties to perform the data-binding between the View and the ViewModel.
On the other end, the ViewModel makes use of cell-proxy
to communicate with the Model.
@lit-labs/context is used to pass around the ViewModels to all the different LitElements
This means that ViewModels are bound to a ReactiveElement
The host ReactiveElement
that holds the ConductorAppProxy
should also hold the ViewModels and thus be the provider of those contexts.
A Perspective
is the data set that a ViewModel presents to its client Views.
This name makes is clear that the data provided is always a slice of all the data available on the DHT.
This is to reflect that in holochain "no node can pretend to have the full truth at any moment".
The exact shape of a perspective is dependent on the ViewModel implementation for a DNA or Zome.
On one side, the API defines the ViewModel
abstract base class and abstract implementations for Zomes and Dnas.
On the other, it provides LitElement
abstract subclasses that make uses of ViewModel
for Zomes, Dnas and Happs. These LitElement
subclasses are provided for faster development but are not mandatory for using ViewModels
The package also provides these finalized LitElements
: A selector for picking anEntryDef
from all the available ones in the current cell.cell-context
: Provide theInstalledCell
context to its children.view-cell-context
: Display theInstalledCell
received from context (used for debugging)
ViewModel abstract base class
The ViewModel
abstract base class implements the Observer design pattern:
subscribe(providedHost: ReactiveControllerHost, propName: PropertyKey): void;
unsubscribe(candidat: ReactiveControllerHost): void;
protected notifySubscribers(): void;
Observers are ReactiveControllerHost
who must provide the name of one of their reactive properties.
The property will be automatically updated by the ViewModel
when its private method notifySubscribers()
is called.
Subclasses are responsible for calling this.notifySubscribers()
when their perspective has been updated.
The ViewModel
is retrievable via Context using the ContextKey
defined by its private method getContext()
ZomeViewModel (zvm)
An abstract subclass of ViewModel
designed to be inhereted for a Zome.
It is in relation with the ZomeProxy
subclass for the same Zome.
This relation is set in the ZOME_PROXY
static field.
On construction, the zvm will be bound to a cell and will create a ZomeProxy of the type defined by ZOME_PROXY
will be used to define the Context for which we can find this ViewModel in order to avoid collisions in ZomeViewModel contexts, when you have multiple zomes in a DNA.
The cell's dnaHash is also used to avoid collisions in ZomeViewModel contexts when multiple DNAs use the same zome.
A zvm is free to define the type of its perspective.
All subclasses of ZomeViewModel
must implement the following methods:
get perspective(): any;
protected hasChanged(): boolean; // return true when the perspective has been updated. This will update the reactive properties of its observers.
get zomeProxy(): ZomeProxy; // should return its zomeProxy in its concrete type.
All subclasses of ZomeViewModel
can implement the following methods:
async probeAll(): Promise<void>; // Lets an observer trigger probing in the DHT in order to get an updated perspective
async initialProbe(): Promise<void>; // Define the probing to do at startup (should get data on source-chain only)
DnaViewModel (dvm)
An abstract subclass of ViewModel
designed to be inhereted for a DNA.
On construction, the dvm will be bound to a cell and create a zvm for each of its zome.
To make this possible a dvm must define the static field ZVM_DEFS
, which is the list of its zvms.
To construct a dvm, a roleName must be provided. It will use the one define in its statif field DEFAULT_BASE_ROLE_NAME
if none is provided as constructor argument.
A ReactiveElement
holding a DnaViewModel
must explicity subscribe to a dvm's zvm if it wants to be updated when the zvm's perspective changed. Otherwise, it will only receive updates from changes in the dvm's perspective. The dvm's perspective is not an agregate of its zvms perspectives.
The intent of the dvm is to provide data that is more than the sum of its zvms perspective.
The dvm's roleName is used to define the Context for which we can find this ViewModel.
static field can be set to define Role-specific dvms.
The zvm of one of its zomes can be retrieved by calling:
A dvm is free to define the type of its perspective.
All subclasses of DnaViewModel
must implement the following methods:
get perspective(): any;
protected hasChanged(): boolean; // return true when the perspective has been updated. This will update the reactive properties of its observers.
All subclasses of DnaViewModel
can implement the following members:
signalHandler?: AppSignalCb; // The handler called when a signal for this cell is received
and initialProbe()
do not need to be overriden since by default they will call the respective method on all its zvms.
HappViewModel (hvm)
The HappViewModel
represents the ViewModel of a happ, but is not actually a subclass of ViewModel
and thus does not hold a
The intent of a HappViewModel
is to create and store all the DnaViewModels
for a happ, in an aggregate way.
A ReactiveElement
holding a HappViewModel
must explicity subscribe to the DnaViewModels
it wants to receive updates from.
A hvm requires a HvmDef
to be constructed.
A HvmDef
is a rough translation of an AppManifest, but it associates each role to a DnaViewModel
. Example:
const playgroundDef: HvmDef = {
id: "playground-app",
dvmDefs: [
ctor: ProfilesDvm,
isClonable: false,
ctor: ChatChannelDvm,
isClonable: true,
On construction, the hvm will use the provided ConductorAppProxy
and create a dvm for each one defined in the HvmDef
, and bind them to the provided ReactiveElement
It will store the HvmDef
so as to be able to create clones when requested.
provides an API for retrieving dvms:
getDvm(hclOrId: HCL | RoleInstanceId): DnaViewModel | undefined;
getClones(baseRoleName: BaseRoleName): DnaViewModel[];
getCellDvms(cellId: CellId): Dictionary<DnaViewModel> | undefined;
provides an API for creating dvms for clones: async cloneDvm(baseRoleName: BaseRoleName, cellDef?: CellDef)
interface CellDef {
modifiers: DnaModifiersOptions,
membraneProof?: MembraneProof,
cloneName?: string,
As with DnaViewModel
, probeAll()
and initialProbe()
are implemented and will call the respective method on all its dvms.
The following abstract base classes are provided for easily building Views for your own zomes and DNAs.
A ZomeElement
is an abstract subclass of a LitElement
bound to a concrete ZomeViewModel
and its perspective type.
it has a reactive property holding an installedCell
, and a reactive property for its zvm's perspective: this.perspective
The zvm itself is stored in the this._zvm
On first update, it will request the zvm for its cell from context. The element will not render as long as it hasn't found a zvm from context.
If the installedCell property changes value, it will automatically fetch the zvm for this new cell.
When this happens zvmUpdated()
is called, meaning subclasses can override this method if they want init and deinit things based on the zvm.
With this implementation, in your subclass you can directly use the zvm's perspective within render()
A DnaElement
is an abstract subclass of a LitElement
bound to a concrete DnaViewModel
and its perspective type.
it has reactive property holding an installedCell
, and a reactive property for its dvm's perspective: this.perspective
the dvm itself is stored in the _dvm
On first update, it will request the dvm for its cell from context. The element will not render as long as it hasn't found a dvm from context.
If the installedCell property changes value, it will automatically fetch the dvm for this new cell.
When this happens dvmUpdated()
is called, meaning subclasses can override this method if they want init and deinit things based on the dvm.
With this implementation, in your subclass you can directly use the dvm's perspective within render()
A HappElement
is an abstract subclass of a LitElement
bound to a HvmDef
defined in the static field HVM_DEF
It creates and holds a ConductorAppProxy
and HappViewModel
based on HVM_DEF
On construction, it will create the ConductorAppProxy
and HappViewModel
based on its static
It will only render once the hvm has been built.
Once the hvm is built, it will call this.happInitialized()
, meaning a subclass can override this method and do whatever it needs to do at startup with the hvm.
Subclasses are encourage to define getters for directly accessing the happ's dvms.
get profilesDvm(): ProfilesDvm { return this.hvm.getDvm(ProfilesDvm.DEFAULT_BASE_ROLE_NAME)! as ProfilesDvm }
Define reactive property for the ViewModels in the LitElement:
@property({type: Object, attribute: false)
profilesPerspective!: ProfilesPerspective;
Initialize the Happ UI:
init() {
/** Create AppProxy from provided local port */
this._conductorAppProxy = await ConductorAppProxy.new(Number(process.env.HC_APP_PORT));
/** Create HappViewModel from definition and AppProxy. Does the initial probe in background */
this._hvm = await HappViewModel.new(this, this._conductorAppProxy, playgroundDef);
/** Grab the profiles ZomeViewModel */
const profileZvm = (this._hvm.getDvm(ProfilesDvm.DEFAULT_ROLE_ID)! as ProfilesDvm).profilesZvm;
const me = profileZvm.perspective.myProfile;
/** Subscribe to updates from the "profiles" ZomeViewModel and bind it to a reactive property */
profileZvm.subscribe(this, "profilesPerspective");
Render the Happ UI and make use of the data provided by the ViewModel
render() {
return html`<h3>${this.profilesPerspective.myProfile.name}</h3>`;
To make full use of the framework, a DNA developer should implement:
- A
subclass for each zome in the DNA (and input & output type bindings from Rust). - A
subclass for each zome in the DNA, and its respective perspective type. - A
subclass for their DNA and its respective perspective type.
A developer could also provide abstract subclasses to ZomeElement
and DnaElement
which add specific code for using their DNA.
An example implementation of all the subclasses is available in the github repo under /example