A construct for working with RDS SQL servers. TEMP FORKED FROM mbonig/rds-tools
RDS Tools
[!Warning] THIS IS A TEMPORARY PUBLISH OF A FORK. UPSTREAM PR CAN BE FOUND AT: https://github.com/mbonig/rds-tools/pull/194
The APIs of higher level constructs in this module are in developer preview before they become stable. We will only make breaking changes to address unforeseen API issues. Therefore, these APIs are not subject to Semantic Versioning, and breaking changes will be announced in release notes. This means that while you may use them, you may need to update your source code when upgrading to a newer version of this package.
There are multiple versions of this library published. You should be using the v0.X.X versions for now. There are versions published that match the CDK version they depend on, but don't use those.
This is a collection of CDK constructs you can use with RDS.
Provides a Custom Resource and backing Lambda Function that will run a given script against a given database.
const databaseInstance = new DatabaseInstance(stack, 'test-database', {
engine: DatabaseInstanceEngine.sqlServerWeb({ version: SqlServerEngineVersion.VER_15_00_4043_16_V1 }),
vpc: vpc,
// ...
new DatabaseScript(stack2, 'test', {
script: 'SELECT 1',
.bind(databaseInstance.connections.securityGroups[0]); // bind for security access
There was once a construct called DatabaseUser. However, it is better to use the standard code from the CDK directly:
const myUserSecret = new rds.DatabaseSecret(this, 'MyUserSecret', {
username: 'myuser',
masterSecret: instance.secret,
excludeCharacters: '{}[]()\'"/\\', // defaults to the set " %+~`#$&*()|[]{}:;<>?!'/@\"\\"
const myUserSecretAttached = myUserSecret.attach(instance); // Adds DB connections information in the secret
instance.addRotationMultiUser('MyUser', { // Add rotation using the multi user scheme
secret: myUserSecretAttached,