SDK7 Library to handle Players Queue logic for Multiplayers Game
SDK Mini Games Library
Step 1: Install & Init Library
Install @dcl-sdk/mini-games Library in your scene
// Run the following command in the scene terminal
npm install @dcl-sdk/mini-games@next
Copy all the assets needed for the UI, Scoreboard and other models inside your scene.
// Run the following command in the scene terminal
node ./node_modules/@dcl-sdk/mini-games/scripts/postinstall.js
// This will create the `mini-games-assets` folder inside your scene with all the models that the library uses.
Import Mini Games library in your scene
// game.ts file
import { initLibrary } from '@dcl-sdk/mini-games/src'
import { syncEntity } from '@dcl/sdk/network'
import players from '@dcl/sdk/players'
// make sure to put this line outside the main function.
initLibrary(engine, syncEntity, players, {
environment: 'dev',
gameId: 'game-id-here'
function main() {
// code scene here
Step 2: Players queue
The library provides all the logic behind to handle the multiplayers queue.
Queue Players Functions
import { queue } from '@dcl-sdk/mini-games/src'
queue.addPlayer(): void
Adds the current player to the queue if they're not already in it.
queue.setNextPlayer(): void
Removes current player from the queue (if its the active one), and set the next player in the queue as active.
queue.isActive(): boolean
Checks if the current user is the active player.
queue.getQueue(): Player[]
Returns an array of players in the queue, sorted by the ime they join the queue.
queue.initQueueDisplay(displayTransform: TransformType): void
Create a display on the scene that informs the player the current status of the queue.
After installing the library needs to place display glb model in mini-game-assets/models/queueDisplay/workstation_display.glb
Listener for active player updates
Player Type
type PlayerType = {
address: string;
joinedAt: number;
startPlayingAt: number;
active: boolean;
Step 3: Scene Rotation + Game Area Checker + Timeout
Scene Rotation
Set the orientation of the scene. You can set any number but ideally you want to set 0, 90, 180 or 270. This would add a RootEntity and then you can parent all the entities to this root entity so they all point to the same orientation.
Game Area Check
You can define your play game area. So if the active player decides to leave the area, it switches automatically to the next player. Also if a player finds a way to enter the game area and is not the active player, it will be kicked out.
Timeout check
Set a max amout of time that a player can play the game without being kicked. If the player is alone in the game, it will continue playing till a new user arrives.
This can be done by passing extra params to the initLibrary
import { initLibrary, sceneParentEntity } from '@dcl-sdk/mini-games/src'
const _1_SEC = 1000
const _1_MIN = _1_SEC * 60
miniGames.initLibrary(engine as any, syncEntity, playersApi, {
gameId: "4ee1d308-5e1e-4b2b-9e91-9091878a7e3d",
environment: "dev",
// time in ms
gameTimeoutMs: _1_MIN,
inactiveTimeoutMs: 20 * _1_SEC_,
// game area rectangle
gameArea: {
// top left point
topLeft: Vector3.create(5.15, 0, 2.23),
// bottom right point
bottomRight: Vector3.create(13.77, 0, 13.77),
// point outside the game area to exit players
exitSpawnPoint: Vector3.create(0,0,7)
function main() {
const gameArea = engine.addEntity()
Transform.create(gameArea, { parent: sceneParentEntity, position, ...etc })
Step 4: UI
We already implement the generic UI to use inside the mini-games. Like the Play Game sign, Music On/Off, Levels, etc.
Menu Button UI
// MenuButton(position: TransformType, assetShape, assetIcon, hoverText, callback, enabledByDefault (optional), releaseTime (optional) )
import { ui } from '@dcl-sdk/mini-games/src'
// All the available icons
const icons = ui.uiAssets.icons
// All the available Shapes & Colors
const shapes = ui.uiAssets.shapes
new ui.MenuButton(
parent: sceneParentEntity,
position: Vector3.create(-3.74, 1.03, 0),
rotation: Quaternion.fromEulerDegrees(-45, 90, 0),
scale: Vector3.create(1.2, 1.2, 1.2)
() => {
Step 5: Progress API
We manage all the Progress API for you. We use the gameId set on the initLibrary, so be sure to update this value !
Get last user progress of the game
type ProgressKey = 'level' | 'score' | 'moves' | 'time'
const userProgress = await progress.getProgress('level', progress.SortDirection.DESC, 1)
Upsert the user progress based on the game.
import { progress } from '@dcl-sdk/mini-games/src'
await progress.upsertProgress({
level: gameData.currentLevel,
time: gameData.levelFinishedAt - gameData.levelStartedAt,
moves: gameData.moves
Step 6: ScoreBoard
Initialize the scoreboard and that's it !
// Add scoreboard
const width = 2.5
const height = 2.8
const scale = 1.2
new ui.ScoreBoard(
// parent: sideSignB,
position: Vector3.create(1.3, 4, 0.15),
rotation: Quaternion.fromEulerDegrees(0, 180, 0)