remind -- print reminders of upcoming events
remind -- print reminders of upcoming events
remind -- show reminders for next seven days
remind [year] month day message -- add reminder to database
Remind maintains a database of reminders in the .reminders file,
in the user's home directory, each a single line of the form
[year] month day message
Year is optional, and must be an integer greater than 99; if no
year is given, the reminder applies to all years (for instance,
If remind is called with no arguments, it writes to standard
output all reminders that occur within the next seven days. If
remind is called with arguments giving a date and message, a
reminder is added to the database. Any time remind is called,
all past reminders are deleted from the database.
$ date
Sun Jun 30 19:45:38 CDT 2019
$ remind 4 2 Anne birthday
$ remind 10 13 Kate birthday
$ remind 7 4 Independence Day
$ remind 2019 7 2 lunch with Pat
$ remind 2019 5 13 dentist 2:00pm
$ remind
7 4 Independence Day
2019 7 2 lunch with Pat
$ cat ./reminders
4 2 Anne birthday
10 13 Kate birthday
7 4 Independence Day
2019 7 2 lunch with Pat
Install to use
$ sudo npm i -g @dayspringpartners/remind
Development instructions
Install for development
$ git clone ....
$ npm install
Start testing with watch
$ npm run test:watch
Test, Lint and format
$ npm run test
$ npm run lint
$ npm run format
increment version (up-to-date working directory)
$ npm verion patch|minor|major
publish new version to npm
# have an up-to-date working directory
$ npm verion patch|minor|major
$ npm login
$ npm publish