This CDK Construct Library (`CdkEcsCodedeployResources`) creates a codedeploy service role, appspec file deployment to the env level s3 bucket, codedeploy application, codedeploy deployment group, and sdk call for a blue/green ecs deployment. This constr
Welcome to the Open Source Construct for CdkEcsCodedeployResources, which provisions blue/green codedeploy resources for ecs services!
This CDK Construct Library (CdkEcsCodedeployResources
) creates a codedeploy service role, appspec file deployment to the env level s3 bucket, codedeploy application, codedeploy deployment group, and sdk call for a blue/green ecs deployment. This construct defines an interface (CdkEcsCodedeployResourcesProps
) with the following properties that can be passed in:
- stage: string => The environment of the ecs service (ex. devtest)
- appName: string => The name of the desired ecs service and the codedeploy app to be created (ex. api2)
- serviceName: string => The name of the desired ecs service (ex. stage-api2)
- clusterName: string => The name of the existing cluster which your load balanced service operates inside (ex. dev-cluster3)
- listenerArn: string => The arn of the https listener for the ecs service (ex. arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:us-east-1:674907216843:listener/app/stage-api2-loadbalancer/67jdn57f6m789e/m8sa43f58ykj)
- targetGroupName: string => The string of the initial target group name that receives load balancer traffic (ex. test-CdkEc-6NDUD6JF5)
- commitHash: string => A commit hash or other unique id that must be changed on each subsequent deployment in order to trigger a new blue/green codedeploy deployment (ex. h675fnt7)
- deployBucket: string => The name of the deploy bucket created by the environment level resources construct (ex. stage-deploy-bucket)
- (optional) taskDefinitionVersion: string => An optional task definition version to be added to the appspec file if provided (ex. 6)
Useful commands
npm run build
compile typescript to jsnpm run watch
watch for changes and compile