This CDK Construct Library (`CdkEcsAlb`) creates an ecs service task definition, two target groups, and a complete [ApplicationLoadBalancedEc2Service](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cdk/api/latest/docs/@aws-cdk_aws-ecs-patterns.ApplicationLoadBalancedEc2Serv
Welcome to the Open Source Construct for CdkEcsAlb, which provisions application level resources for ecs services!
This CDK Construct Library (CdkEcsAlb
) creates an ecs service task definition, two target groups, and a complete ApplicationLoadBalancedEc2Service (see documentation), and an https listener. This construct defines an interface (CdkEcsAlbProps
) with the following properties that can be passed in:
- vpcId: string => The string of the vpc id used for the ecs cluster and ec2 resources (ex. vpc-76594053)
- stage: string => The environment of the service to be created (ex. devtest)
- appName: string => The name of the desired ecs service (ex. api2)
- repositoryName: string => The name of an existing ecr repository (ex. api2)
- clusterName: string => The name of the existing cluster which your load balanced service will run inside (ex. dev-cluster3)
- securityGroupId: string => The string of the security group id used for the ecs cluster and ec2 resources (ex. sg-h6k7d5v3)
- healthCheckPath: string => A valid uri path that can be pinged for target group health checks on the ecs service (ex. /HealthCheck/testpath)
- (optional) tag: string => A n optional tag that can specify a particular docker image to use from the provided ecr repository (ex. dev)
- taskRoleArn: string => The arn of an existing iam task role that will be attached to the ecs containers created (ex. arn:aws:iam::674907216843:role/test-iam-task-role-8g9j4m5s4h7j)
- certificateArn: string => The arn of an existing acm certificate which will be used in the https load balancer listener created (ex. arn:aws:iam::674907216843:certificate/56hf4-nyi6984df-w85ntf74)
- (optional) serviceDnsRecord: string => An optional parameter for a route 53 dns record, if one already exists that you want to use for the ecs service (required if hostedZoneDomainName specified) (ex. test-ecs-service.google.com)
- (optional) hostedZoneDomainName: string => The optional name of the dns record's hosted zone name (required if serviceDnsRecord specified) (ex. google.com)
Useful commands
npm run build
compile typescript to jsnpm run watch
watch for changes and compile