This CDK Construct Library includes (`CdkCloudfrontBehavior`) which instantiates the [CdkBaseCfAcmR53](https://github.com/DaySmart/daysmart-cdk-constructs/tree/main/packages/cdk-base-cf-acm-r53) construct. The cloudfront distribution which is a part of th
Welcome to the Open Source Construct for instantiating the CdkBaseCfAcmR53 construct and adding desired S3 or Http Origins/Behaviors to the Cloudfront Distribution!
This CDK Construct Library includes (CdkCloudfrontBehavior
) which instantiates the CdkBaseCfAcmR53 construct. The cloudfront distribution which is a part of the instantiated base construct can then have additional behaviors added to it by calling this (CdkCloudfrontBehavior
) construct's addS3OriginBehavior
or addHttpOriginBehavior
The construct defines an interface (CdkCloudfrontBehaviorProps
) with the following properties that can be passed in:
- defaultBehaviorOrigin: "http" | "s3" => The string identifying whether the default CloudFront distribution behavior will be with an s3 or http origin. (ex. "http" or "s3")
- (required only if defaultBehaviorOrigin == "s3") defaultS3OriginBucketName: string => The bucket name for a default s3 origin (ex. app-bucket)
- (required only if defaultBehaviorOrigin == "s3") defaultOriginAccessIdentity: string => The origin access identity for a default s3 origin (ex. EGIMNVDRYJKK243HJNV)
- (required only if defaultBehaviorOrigin == "http") defaultHttpOriginName: string => The dns record for a default http origin (ex. test.google.com)
- project: string => The project name (ex. onlineconverter)
- baseEnv: string => The project environment (ex. dev)
- componentName: string => The component/service the url is for in a project (ex. ui)
- (required only if a dynamic env) dynamicEnv: string => A dynamic environment for this project. (ex. dev-test)
- (optional) certificateArn: string => The arn of an existing acm certificate; one will be created in the construct if not provided
- domains: string[] => An array of domain names for this project environment (ex. ['google.com', 'bing.com', 'apple.com'])
- (optional) loggingBucketName: string => The name of an existing s3 bucket for receiving logs. (ex. logbucket1)
- s3OriginCachePolicyId: string => The id of an existing CloudFront cache policy applicable for all s3 origins on the distribution. (ex. fndu46585032kjf403-00e5-4fea-af78-463829574dnnse5869)
- httpOriginCachePolicyId: string => The id of an existing CloudFront cache policy applicable for all http origins on the distribution. (ex. fndu46585032kjf403-00e5-4fea-af78-463829574dnnse5869)
The addS3OriginBehavior
method has the following required properties in order to call it:
- project: string => The project name (ex. onlineconverter)
- baseEnv: string => The project environment (ex. dev)
- origins: S3Origin[] => An array of S3Origin objects, with an S3Origin defined as:
bucketName: string;
path: string;
originAccessIdentity: string
The addHttpOriginBehavior
method has the following required properties in order to call it:
- project: string => The project name (ex. onlineconverter)
- baseEnv: string => The project environment (ex. dev)
- origins: HttpOrigin[] => An array of HttpOrigin objects, with a HttpOrigin defined as:
host: string;
path: string;
Useful commands
npm run build
compile typescript to jsnpm run watch
watch for changes and compile