This CDK Construct Library includes a simple construct (`CdkBaseCfAcmR53`) which is meant to be instantiated by the (`CdkCloudfrontBehavior`) construct. (`CdkBaseCfAcmR53`) creates a certificate manager certificate with the baseEnv, project, and domains[]
Welcome to the Open Source Construct for creating Route53 Alias, ACM Certificate, and CloudFront Distribution Base Resources!
This CDK Construct Library includes a simple construct (CdkBaseCfAcmR53
which is meant to be instantiated by the (CdkCloudfrontBehavior
) construct. (CdkBaseCfAcmR53
) creates a certificate manager certificate with the baseEnv, project, and domains[] provided; it also creates Route53 aliases given the domain format below:
(and for baseEnv == "prod")
and lastly, this construct creates a cloudfront distribution for the route53 domains and defines a default behavior for the distribution.
The construct defines an interface (CdkBaseCfAcmR53Props
) with the following properties that can be passed in:
- defaultBehaviorOptions: cloudfront.BehaviorOptions => The BehaviorOptions object according to the typescript cdk documentation
- project: string => The project name (ex. onlineconverter)
- baseEnv: string => The base environment for this project. (ex. dev)
- componentName: string => The compoenent/service the url is for in a project (ex. ui)
- (required only if a dynamic env) dynamicEnv: string => A dynamic environment for this project. (ex. dev-test)
- (optional) certificateArn: string => The arn of an existing acm certificate; one will be created in the construct if not provided
- domains: string[] => An array of domain names for this project environment. (ex. ['google.com', 'bing.com', 'apple.com'])
- (optional) loggingBucketName: string => The name of an existing s3 bucket for receiving logs. (ex. logbucket1)
Useful commands
npm run build
compile typescript to jsnpm run watch
watch for changes and compile