This CDK construct contians two available constructs, the first is the `ApiGatewayDomainMultiRegion`. This can be deployed with the same alias in multiple regions. The second is the `ApiGatewayDomainRoute53Alias`. This will be the Route 53 record that can
This CDK construct contians two available constructs, the first is the ApiGatewayDomainMultiRegion
. This
can be deployed with the same alias in multiple regions. The second is the ApiGatewayDomainRoute53Alias
This will be the Route 53 record that can be flipped between deployments in different regions.
Useful commands
npm run build
compile typescript to jsnpm run watch
watch for changes and compilenpm run test
perform the jest unit tests
- This creates an API Gateway custom domain
that can be deployed in multiple regions.
companyDomainName: string; // domain name for the company ie. example.com
project: string; // name of the project for the application
baseEnv: string; // environment name
dynamicEnv?: string; // dynamic environment name (optional)
certificateArn: string; // ARN of the certificate needed
restApiId: string; // Rest api id of the API gateway rest api
restApiRootResourceId: string; // Root resource id of the API gateway rest api
basePath?: string; // Custom domain base path (optional)
endpointType?: apigw.EndpointType; // Custom domain endpoint type (Defaults to REGIONAL)
- This provides a Route 53 alias record set to
point to the API Gateway custom domain in the region you would like traffic
to point to.
companyDomainName: string; // domain name for the company ie. example.com
project: string; // name of the project for the application
customDomainAlias: string; // The alias of the API gateway custom domain rest api
customDomainHostedZoneId: string; // The hosted zone for the API gateway custom domain
baseEnv: string; // environment name
dynamicEnv?: string; // dynamic environment name (optional)