Compact design tokens parser
This is a small, 0-dependency design-tokens parser. What are design tokens? For example, you may check out figma and their Tokens Studio to learn more. In one sentence: tokens are single source of truth for both designers and developers saved in json file which you can export from e.g. Figma tool.
For example, it can generate css output for tokens like the below example:
:root {
--sizing-base: 2px;
--sizing-xs: 4px;
--sizing-s: 8px;
--sizing-m: 24px;
--sizing-l: 24px;
--sizing-xl: 32px;
--colors-primary-100: #c7fadb;
--colors-primary-500: #05eb62;
--colors-primary-900: #066d2f;
--colors-secondary-100: #e9d5f8;
--colors-secondary-500: #941bf0;
--colors-secondary-900: #3e046a;
--font-size-s: 14px;
--font-size-m: 16px;
--font-size-l: 24px;
--font-size-xl: 36px;
--border-radius-m: 6px;
--font-family-primary: Ubuntu;
--font-family-secondary: Nunito;
--font-weight-bold: 800;
--font-weight-thin: 300;
--font-weight-normal: 500;
--spacing-s: 4px;
--spacing-m: 8px;
--spacing-l: 24px;
.typography-H3 {
font-family: Nunito;
font-weight: 500;
font-size: 36px;
.typography-Body1 {
font-family: Ubuntu;
font-weight: 300;
font-size: 16px;
it will resolve all token aliases like the below ones
"typography": {
"H3": {
"value": {
"fontFamily": "{fontFamily.secondary}",
"fontWeight": "{fontWeight.normal}",
"fontSize": "{fontSize.xl}"
"type": "typography"
to these values:
.typography-H3 {
font-family: Nunito;
font-weight: 500;
font-size: 36px;
npm i @dawiidio/quarksy
// or
yarn add @dawiidio/quarksy
Cli usage
Usage: quarksy [options] [inputFile]
Transforms design tokens to code
inputFile tokens file to be transformed (default: "tokens.json")
-V, --version output the version number
-p, --platform <string...> for which platforms you want to transform your tokens (default: ["css"])
--token-prefix <string> prefix for token variable names
--token-set-prefix <string> prefix for token sets variable names, eg. typography which may be build of many
-o, --output-dir <string> output directory
-h, --help display help for command
Programmatic usage
Below you can see simple example, for implementation hints see src/platforms/CssPlatform.ts
import {
} from '@dawiidio/quarksy';
async function main() {
const myDesignTokensObject = {
// json export from eg. Figma tokens
const tokensObjectParser = new TokensObjectParser(myDesignTokensObject);
class MyPlatform extends Platform {
run(tokensObject: TokensObjectParser): [string, string][] {
// do something to transform tokensObject to platform specific code
return []
const myPlatform = new MyPlatform();
await writePlatformOutputToFileSystem(myPlatform.run(tokensObjectParser));
Supported platforms
For now only CSS, soon will be more :)