Libreria para el menejo de usuarios de un api rest
User account management.
- Have typeorm and postgresql installed.
- Configure .env file.
- USER_MAIL=[[email protected]] /mail manager configuration/
- PASS_MAIL=[password123]
- JWTKEY=[abc123]
- FRONTEND_CONFIRMATIONEMAIL_PATH=[http://localhost:3000/confirm/]
- FRONTEND_FORGOTPASSWORD_PATH=[http://localhost:3000/password/]
- FILE_FOLDER_PATH = "imgs/"
- VALID_FILESIZE = 2000000
- VALID_FILEFORMAT = "image/jpeg,image/webp,image/svg+xml"
- MOBILEPHONE_REGION = "es-AR" /validator npm isMobilePhone/
- singIn function (req, res, repository, wsession) Description: This function is for user authentication and session initialization.
- singUp function (req, res, repository, user) Description: This function is to create a user account.
- updateUser function (req, res, repository) Description: This function is to update user account information.
- logOut function (req, res) Description: This function is to exit the session.
- currentUser function (req, res, repository) Description: This function returns session information for the current user.
- authenticateMail function (req, res, repository) Description: This function is to authenticate the user's mail account.
- resetPassword function (req, res, repository) Description: This function finds the user account with the confirmation code generated by the forgotPasswordMail function and resets the user account password.
- forgotPasswordMail function (req, res, repository) Description: This function generates a confirmation code, associates it with the user account, and sends an email to reset the user account password.
Function variables
-repository is the user repository. -user is an instance of the user entity. -wsession true/false if it implements 'express-session'. Expected structure:
export class Users {
id: number;
@PrimaryColumn("varchar", { length: 200 })
mail: string;
@Column("varchar", { length: 60 })
userName: string;
@Column("varchar", { length: 500 })
password: string;
@Column("varchar", { length: 15, default: null})
mobilePhone: string;
@Column({default: false})
verifiedAcount: boolean;
creationDate: Date;
@Column("varchar",{default: null})
imgURL: string;
@Column("varchar",{ length: 200 })
confirmationCode: string;