A collection of web-component based on polymer 3
it's elementui my dear watson!
elementui regroup usefull and simple web-component ready to be use in your application. The focus is put on simplicity and extensibility. Style and event handling are easily overridable like plain JavaScript and CSS. I also try to create missing component instead of reapeat existing one. There's already enought button component in this world! When no existing component fit my need I create a new one, table, menu and dialog are good exemple. I made use of polymer 3 to create my component, and I use iron-element and paper-element as building block for most of my components. So if you want component that follow material design principle you looking at the good place.
Enought talking let look at components!
Another Dialog
Yes I create another dialog... My dialog is moveable, resizable and extensible. if you are currious to see it there is a link,
A BIG Table
Html table are fine to display small array in a webpage. When thousand or even milions of line need to be display most of browser freeze. Because each line contain multiple cells, the DOM element became quite large and take alot of ressources. The table I propose here made use of DOM only for visible rows. In that way no ressource are take for hidden part of the table. The table data are store in the computer memory and they are render as needed.