Leaflet GeoJSON layer with bounding box feature retrieval
Leaflet Geojson bbox layer
Leaflet layer for drawing GeoJSON data based on the current view bounding box. This allows for easy interactive elements (e.g. click handlers) even with (very) large feature sets.
Layer is an extension of Leaflet's own GeoJSON layer (doc and example).
This new layer will handle calling the user provided fetchRequest
function with a bounding box.
The string is of the form: 4.89,52.37,4.91,52.38
or west,south,east,north
in the WGS84 coordinate system (latitude, longitude).
This function should return a GeoJSON object.
The main benefit of this layer is that only a subset of the data is displayed because the whole is to much of a performance hit.
At a certain zoom level however the current bounding box will encompass to many features.
If you set a value zoomMin
value on the GeoJSON layer this value will both hide the layer and pause fetching new data.
See example: https://leaflet-geojson-bbox-layer.netlify.com/
import L from 'leaflet';
import geojsonBboxLayer from '@datapunt/leaflet-geojson-bbox-layer';
const url = 'https://map.data.amsterdam.nl/maps/meetbouten?Typename=meetbouten_status&REQUEST=GetFeature&SERVICE=wfs&OUTPUTFORMAT=application/json;%20subtype=geojson;%20charset=utf-8&version=1.1.0&srsname=urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326';
const fetchRequest = (bbox_str) => fetch(`${url}&bbox=${bbox_str}`).then(response => response.json());
// Options specific to bbox geojson layer
const bboxLayerOptions = {
fetchRequest, // function that returns GeoJSON feature list for a given bounding box string
// Leaflet GeoJSON layer options, see: https://leafletjs.com/reference-1.5.0.html#geojson-pointtolayer
const geojsonLayerOptions = {
zoomMin: 16,
// Use pointToLayer to create your own marker: https://leafletjs.com/reference-1.5.0.html#geojson-pointtolayer
// See example code how to use feature to style marker
// Use onEachFeature if you need a event listener: onEachFeature
// See example how to add a click listener
const myLayer = geojsonBboxLayer(bboxLayerOptions, geojsonLayerOptions);
const mapContainer = document.querySelector('#map');
const map = L.map(mapContainer);
map.setView([52.3724724, 4.9006668], 18);
L.tileLayer('https://t1.data.amsterdam.nl/topo_wm/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { minZoom: 1, maxZoom: 20, maxNativeZoom: 18 })
npm install
The example can be build with:
npm start
Site available at http://localhost:8080.
Build the library and example distribution using:
npm run build
npm test
npm run lint
If you wish to make changes to this package and see the results directly in another package you can use npm link
or npm pack
The npm pack
workflow works as follows, for each change you want to test in the external project:
- In this package:
- run:
npm build:library
- and run:
npm pack
- run:
- In the project using this library:
- run
npm install <path_to_library>/leaflet-geojson-bbox-layer-<version>.tgz
- run
After making changes:
npm version major/minor/patch
To actually publish package you'll need to login:
npm login
User/pass is in Datapunt password vault.
Then publish the package
npm publish --access public