DataReceipt library uses fds.js library to send consent receipt files over Swarm to another account
A helper library to create FDS accounts, create Consent Receipts JWT tokens, send them over Swarm, decode and verify tokens with additional layer to support Consent Manager smart contract and consent signing and verification of Consent smart contract on blockchain.
DataReceipt.js library uses fds.js library to send consent receipt files over Swarm to another account ** BEWARE ** uses FDS.js multibox branch https://github.com/fairDataSociety/fds.js/tree/multibox
- create account
- unlock account
- load project file
- load private key
- generate cr.jwt token
- send cr.jwt token to accountname/yourself and wait for delivery
- get all received files
- for each received file check if its cr.jwt token
- decode token and verify
- log out all messages that are cr.jwt tokens
fds.js settings
you need to provide FDS object in window.FDS property for fds.js and datareceipt.js to work with Noordung blockchain
View network: https://noordung.fairdatasociety.org/
Block explorer: https://blockscout.noordung.fairdatasociety.org/
window.FDS = new FDS({
swarmGateway: 'https://swarm.fairdatasociety.org',
ethGateway: 'https://geth-noordung.fairdatasociety.org',
faucetAddress: 'https://dfaucet-testnet-prod.herokuapp.com/gimmie',
httpTimeout: 1000,
gasPrice: 0.1,
ensConfig: {
domain: 'datafund.eth',
registryAddress: '0xc11f4427a0261e5ca508c982e747851e29c48e83',
fifsRegistrarContractAddress: '0x01591702cb0c1d03b15355b2fab5e6483b6db9a7',
resolverContractAddress: '0xf70816e998819443d5506f129ef1fa9f9c6ff5a7'
// multibox extension
applicationDomain: "/shared/consents/"
Sample usage
let fd = new DataReceiptLib();
let password = 'test';
let accountName = 'testAccountName123123';
Account must exist
let subjectName = 'testAccountName1231234';
Create account (will fail if it exists)
let newAccount = await fd.createAccount(accountName, password);
get account
let account = await fd.unlockAccount(accountName, password);
Load private key
let loadPrivKey = await fd.loadPrivateKey(privateKey);
Load Consent Receipt Project
let loadSuccess = await fd.loadProject(project);
Sign token in project
let signedToken = await fd.generateToken();
Send file ower Swarm and retrieve its Swarm hash
let swarmHash = await fd.sendDataReceipt(signedToken, subjectName);
where is cr.jwt stored?
How to send from newAccount to newAccount using blockchain
Get account address
let userAddress = fd.account.address;
Retrieve subjects address, this looks subdomain name in ENS
let subjectAddress = await fd.account.getAddressOf(subjectName);
get consent manager
let CM = await fd.getConsentManager();
create consent for swarm hash
let tx = await CM.createConsent(userAddress, subjectAddress, "0x" + swarmHash);
once transaction is finished
get existing consents where account is DataUser
let uc = await CM.getUserConsents();
get existing consents where account is DataSubject
let sc = await CM.getSubjectConsents();
get consents for swarmHash
let cf = await CM.getConsentsFor("0x" + swarmHash);
How to check signatures
Sign last consent as user
let consent = await fd.getConsent(uc[uc.length - 1]);
Get data location
let location = consent.swarmHash;
check if its signed by user
let us = await consent.isUserSigned();
Signing last consent as user
await consent.signUser();
let ss = await consent.isSubjectSigned();
Signing consent as subject
await consent.signSubject();
Update existing consent with new consent and data at new swarm location
let tx = await CM.updateConsent(prevConsentAddress, "0x" + swarmHash);
display and check all user consents
let uc = await CM.getUserConsents();
Iterate through consents
await fd.asyncForEach(uc, async (consentAddress) => { ... }
let consent = await fd.getConsent(consentAddress);
Check is user signed consent
let us = await consent.isUserSigned();
Check if subject signed consent
let ss = await consent.isSubjectSigned();
Check if both parties signed
let s = await consent.isSigned();
Check if consent is still valid
letv = await consent.isValid();
Consent update trigger previous consent to be revoked
if updated anything else than 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000 then consent was updated with another consent.
let updated = await consent.isUpdatedWith();
Get consent status
Return values
0 - waiting for signatures
1 - active
2 - expired
3 - revoked
status = await consent.status();
get all received messages
let messages = await fd.getReceivedMessages(true);