Use S3 as a simple json database and serverless API
Use Amazon S3 as a simple JSON database and serverless API
S3 JSON DB is a simple file-based JSON database for Amazon S3. It allows you to insert, update, retrieve and delete entries. All entries are stored on S3 as objects in a single json file, so you can also easily retrieve them from a Single Page Application or any server-side rendered app (without needing this module). You can use it to quickly prototype a serverless app or backend for your SPA. Compatible with Amazon S3, Digitalocean Spaces, Linode Object Storage, BackBlaze B2, etc. https://www.npmjs.com/package/@dashpilot/s3-json-db
npm install @dashpilot/s3-json-db
const S3DB = require('s3-json-db');
const db = new S3DB(s3_key, s3_secret, s3_bucket, s3_prefix, s3_acl, s3_endpoint);
const table = 'entries';
let data = {
title: 'This is the first entry',
body: 'Lorem ipsum dolor site amet'
// insert
db.insert(table, data).then(id => {
console.log("created " + id);
// update
db.update(table, data, id).then(id => {
console.log("updated " + id);
// delete
db.delete(table, id).then(id => {
console.log("deleted " + id);
// get one entry by id
db.get(table, id).then(data => {
// get all entries
db.get_all(table).then(data => {
s3_key (required): your S3 API key
s3_secret (required): your S3 API secret
s3_bucket (required): your S3 bucket
s3_prefix (optional): optional file prefix or subfolder (for the latter end with a slash). default "";
s3_acl (optional): ACL (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/dev/acl-overview.html#canned-acl). Default: "private", set to "public-read" if you want your data to be public (to use with a client-side app).
s3_endpoint (optional): change the endpoint if you use Digitalocean Spaces, Linode Object Storage, Backblaze B2, etc. Default: false.
To retrieve all entries client-side (set s3_acl to "public-read"):
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