The moloch-v3-hooks pakage is a collection of react hooks you can use fetch and store data and the use it in components anywhere in your application, like:
The moloch-v3-hooks pakage is a collection of react hooks you can use fetch and store data and the use it in components anywhere in your application, like:
- Current dao data (including proposals, members, vaults and dao records)
- Current connected address membership data
- ERC20 data
View on NPM
yarn add @daohaus/moloch-v3-hooks
If you are trying to query for data on Etheruem Mainnet or Gnosis Chain (and more to come) you will need to provide an api Key from The Graph. Learn to get those here and here.
These hooks use React-Query so you will need to wrap your app in a QueryClientProvider as seen here
const queryClient = new QueryClient();
ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById("root") as HTMLElement).render(
<QueryClientProvider client={queryClient}>
<Routes />
How to get DAO data
import { useDaoData, useDaoMember, useDaoProposals } from '@daohaus/moloch-v3-hooks';
const { dao } = useDaoData({
daoChain: '0x1',
daoId '0x0someAddress'
const { member } = useDaoMember({
daoChain: '0x1',
daoId '0x0someAddress',
memberAddress: '0x0memberAddress',
const { proposals } = useDaoProposals({
daoChain: '0x1',
daoId '0x0someAddress',
How to refetch data
import { useDaoData } from '@daohaus/moloch-v3-hooks';
const { dao, refetch } = useDaoData({
daoChain: '0x1',
daoId '0x0someAddress'
const someAction = () => {
How tto filter, sort and paginate a list of proposals or members
import { useDaoProposals } from '@daohaus/moloch-v3-hooks';
const { proposals, filterProposals, filter, ordering, orderProposals, hasNextPage, fetchNextPage } = useDaoProposals({
daoChain: '0x1',
daoId '0x0someAddress',
console.log('current filter', filter)
// {}
const updateFilter = { cancelled: true }
// proposals variable in the hook will be refetched updated
console.log('current ordering', ordering)
// {orderBy: 'createdAt', orderDirection: 'desc'}
const updatedOrdering = {
orderBy: 'votingStarts',
orderDiection: 'asc'
// proposals variable in the hook will be refetched updated
//Getting the next page of data
console.log('does it have another page?', hasNextPage)
// true
// proposal variable will have the next page of proposals added to it
How to store the current DAO data If you store your target dao address and chain id in the CurrentDaoContext all of these hooks will not need yo to pass the daoId and chainId to them.
import { CurrentDaoProvider } from '@daohaus/moloch-v3-hooks';
Then in a component you can use this hook:
import { UseCurrentDao, useDaoData } from '@daohaus/moloch-v3-hooks';
const { daoChain, daoId } = useCurrentDao();
const { useDaoData } = useDaoData();
// instead of
const { useDaoData } = useDaoData({daoId: 'someid' daoChain: 'somechainid'});
Run nx run moloch-v3-hooks:build
to build the library.