A component to take gatsby-source-gravityforms query data and return usable components
Intro (@danny-wood)
This is a forked version from @dmachio's package which is in turn a fork from the original @robmarshall's package.
The following changes have been made:
- Add option to change how the re-captcha is displayed. Passing a prop called 'captchaSize' (data type: string) with one of the valid options will change how the re-captcha is displayed. The options are: normal, compact or invisible
- Add support for address fields in Gravity Forms. If address field is set to required all but address line 2 will be validated.
- Add support for address lookup using Postcode Software. To activate postcode lookup pass a prop called 'enablePostcodeSoftware' (data type: bool) set to true. Next setup an env variable for your api endpoint which calls the postcode software api and returns the data, to use the Postcode Software test account set your username and password to: test. You can then use this post code for testing: LS18 5SG.
- Add compact address functionality. Pass the prop 'enableCompactAddress' (data type: bool) set to true. This will hide all address fields, when an address is selected from the postcode look up it will be displayed as a single line below the post code look up field. Options to manually edit the address and remove the current address are also available.
- Add lead tracking. Pass the prop 'enableLeadTracking' (data type: bool) set to true. If enabled and GTM is setup on the site with the correct hidden fields in GF ('source', 'medium', 'term', 'content', 'campaign', 'session_count', 'pageview_count'), then the window object is checked in js for the valid fields and if found will prepopulate the input. Make sure to set the hidden fields to allow prepopulate in the advanced tab in GF.
Env variable for postcode software
Intro (@dmachio)
This is a custom Gravity Forms Form Component for Airfleet. The component has been borrowed almost entirely from @robmarshall's package. Here are some modifications made:
- Added support for
fields - Enabled direct form submission to the Gravity Forms API endpoint rather than using Netlify functions
Gravity Forms Form Component
A (relatively) plug and play component for parsing gatsby-source-gravityforms GraphQL data. Outputs a component using BEM classes, meaning all you need to do is style it.
Uses React Hook Forms under the hood for all that good state management.
# Install the component
yarn add gatsby-gravityforms-component
# Or with NPM
npm i gatsby-gravityforms-component
Gravity Forms Data and GraphQL Fragment
GraphQL Fragments are available from this component for making fetching the needed data. The GravityFormComponent
fragment can be used on any GF__Form
type node. Example:
query {
allGfForm {
edges {
node {
Using in gatsby-node.js
GraphQL fragments are automatically available to Gatsby components. If you're looking to use these in gatsby-node.js
you will need to import them from gatsby-gravityforms-component/fragments
using the below snippet.
import 'node_modules/gatsby-gravityforms-component/fragments.js'
Custom Query
Sometimes you may need to customize this, depending on the plugins API version, or if you want to reduce the weight of the request due to not using all fields.
The full fragment can be found in /src/fragments.js. Copy this into your hook.
Using the component
- Once you have set up gatsby-source-gravityforms
- Import the component where you want to use it
- Grab the GraphQL data from the gatsby-source-gravityforms plugin and pass to component
- Set the form ID
- Add your environment variables
- Add the Lambda function (scroll down a little)
import React from 'react'
import GravityFormForm from 'gatsby-gravityforms-component'
// Would recommend moving this into a separate /src/hooks/gravityforms.js file
// and import where needed
import { useStaticQuery, graphql } from 'gatsby'
const allGravityData = () => {
const { allGfForm } = useStaticQuery(
query {
allGfForm {
edges {
node {
return allGfForm
function handleError({values, error, reset}) => {
//handle error
function handleSuccess({values, reset, confirmations}) => {
//handle success
const examplePage = () => (
presetValues={{ input_1: 'special_value' }}
export default examplePage
This outputs the form that has been set up in WordPress - Gravity Forms. Ready for you to style it!
- id: The ID of the form, get in WordPress Gravity Forms
- formDate: The data passed from the query function - this is the same for all forms
- presetValues: An object, with the keys set as the input ID (shown in Gravity Forms editor) and the value to set the field as. Great for hidden fields.
- lambda: The URL to the lambda endpoint
- successCallback: function to be called on successful form submission. values: form values, reset: function to reset form, confirmations: form confirmations set in WP GF.
- errorCallback: function to be called on error in form submission. values: form values, reset: function to reset form, error: error response from API.
Add Environment Variables
The following environment variables should be added to your hosting provider backend. If unsure, most providers have an article explaining. A quick Google should find this.
LAMBDA_ENDPOINT = 'https://examplesite.com/.netlify/functions/newGfEntry'
See "/examples/lambda/.env/sample" for the file.
Depending on what build (Gatsby/React/ect) you are using, these will need to be defined and pulled into your project in different ways.
- Webpack: https://webpack.js.org/plugins/define-plugin/
- Gatsby: https://www.gatsbyjs.org/docs/environment-variables/#accessing-environment-variables-in-javascript
Passing the Submission to Gravity Forms
There is a need for a Lambda (or other) server function as the Gravity Forms API keys cannot be stored in a static site. The data needs to be passed to a middleman where the keys are added, before being sent to WordPress.
The data flow is as follows:
- User submits form
- Component sends data to lambda (or any server) URL as a POST request
- Server takes post, and passes it to Gravity Forms as POST request
- Gravity Forms gets data
Point 3 can be managed in multiple ways, depending on your build.
Implementing Google reCAPTCHA
On your Gatsby project set up an Environment Variable named GATSBY_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY
with your reCAPTCHA site key as value. This variable will be automatically used whenever Gravity Form that has a reCAPTCHA field.
Upon responding to the captcha Google sends back a reCAPTCHA response token that gets stored in a hidden <input>
on your form. When your form data is sent back to your Wordpress website(through a Lambda function), Gravity Forms will automatically verify the reCAPTCHA token token to ensure it was sent by a human.
Adding the Lambda (for Netlify)
If you are using Netlify then it is recommended you use a Lambda function. This process is relatively plug and play.
To enable the component to pass data from a static site to a server needs a little big of help to bridge the gap. As Gravity Forms uses secret keys to read/write, there needs to be somewhere safe to hold and manage these details.
Using a combination of environment variables and a Lambda function we can navigate these insecure waters.
Add the following function as a Lambda function, and add your Gravity Form keys as environment variables (these will be already set if you are using the gatsby-source-gravityforms plugin).
The steps below are a boilerplate to build this bridge. However you will need to add a new step in your development process. This blog post explains how to start locally developing lambda functions. You can test the function locally by adding the below environment variables. See section below about testing on localhost and circumventing security warnings
- Add a folder called "lambda" in your projects /src folder
- Create a file inside called "newGfEntry.js"
- Copy the code from /examples/lambda/newGfEntry.js into that file
- Make sure all environment variables at the top of the code have been updated with yours.
- Add a folder at the root of your project called "lambda". This will be empty. The built lambda function will go in here on deployment.
- Create a file at the root of your project called netlify.toml
- Add the following code to netlify.toml:
Functions = "lambda"
Command = "npm run build:lambda && gatsby build"
The netlify.toml
file will override your build command on deployment. So we need to tell Netlify to build your lamdba function and also your Gatsby site.
The lambda function does not have access to your .env.*
files you need to define the same keys here again (it is unfortunate to double handle this and a solution would be appreciated).
When done, you will have created these files and folders: ./netlify.toml ./lambda/ ./src/lambda/ ./src/lambda/newGfEntry.js
To test all this make sure to run npm run start:lambda
in one tab, which will spin up the endpoint at http://localhost:9000
, and then run gatsby develop
in another.
If you have any issues with these steps, see these articles:
- https://www.netlify.com/docs/functions/
- https://travishorn.com/netlify-lambda-functions-from-scratch-1186f61c659e
- https://macarthur.me/posts/building-a-lambda-function-with-netlify
Using a Server
Running on Localhost
If you are running this in a development build on localhost in Chrome, you will come across a Cors issue. No matter what you do, the request will not be read. This is due to Chrome not allowing this.
A solution for a development environment - Run Chrome with the following flag: --disable-web-security
For more information: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10883211/deadly-cors-when-http-localhost-is-the-origin/10892392#10892392
Self Signed Certificate Error - SSL
If you are having Self Signed Certificate issues, put this at the top of the newGfEntry.js file.
- But only on your localhost!!! *
Testing & Developing
Firstly, yes please! Any help would be great.
If you are developing locally, you may run into an error "Cannot resolve React". If you do, check out this article: https://thoughtsandstuff.com/building-react-components-for-gatsby-using-npm-link-and-hooks-cant-resolve-react-solution
To Do
Field Components
- [x] Input
- [x] Textarea
- [ ] Select (half done, need to add default values)
- [ ] Multiselect
- [x] Number
- [ ] Checkbox (half done, need to add default values)
- [ ] Radio (half done, need to add default values)
- [x] Hidden
- [x] HTML
- [x] Captcha
- [x] Add masking to inputs
General Form
- [ ] Honeypot
- [x] Add submit/error callback for custom use
Send to CMS
- [x] Turn data into Gravity Forms schema
- [x] Function to send/receive data from CMS
- [x] Error handling provided by Gravity Forms
Add Tests to Inputs
- [ ] Input
- [ ] Textarea
- [ ] Select (half done, need to add default values)
- [ ] Multiselect
- [ ] Number
- [ ] Checkbox (half done, need to add default values)
- [ ] Radio (half done, need to add default values)
- [ ] Hidden
- [ ] HTML
- [ ] Captcha
Split into a component that can work with GF, or be created by a custom object and pass to any backend api.