A Super-dank sketching library built with ♥ and typescript!
A super-dank sketching library built with ♥ and typescript. Inspired heavily by Canvas Sketch by @mattdesl - the difference is that this is meant to just drop into a webpage. Here is a live example - under construction...
npm install @dank-inc/sketchy
- moved 3d to a separate package
Getting Started
This library is a nice lightweight typescript wrapper for the 2d Web canvas. It's purpose is to give you a simple interface to the canvas, with minimal overhead.
The goal of this project is to give a creative coder an entrypoint between raw javascript and p5.js
start by creating a config object:
const params = createParams({
containerId: 'root', // id of the container where you want a canvas
animate: true, // animated?
// dimensions: [1200, 1200], // size of canvas
then pass your sketch & config object into the sketch loader function:
import sketch from './sketches/sketch'
loadSketch(sketch, params)
Implementation Examples
React Wrapper Example here
Example running inside a react page here
Example Sketch
note: This library and it's helper functions all assume you are workng with normalized values :)
import { mapXY } from '@dank-inc/lewps'
import { createSketch, Vec2 } from '../lib'
import { hsl, hex } from '../lib/helpers'
import { createControls } from '../lib/helpers/controls'
// type the function, and all params are implicitly typed
export default createSketch((params) => {
// destructure helper functions and convenience variables
const { context, setFillStyle, setFilter, sin, cos, lerp } = params
// initialize your sketch and objects
const points = mapXY<Vec2>(15, 15, (u, v) => [u, v])
const state = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
lastKey: '',
blur: false,
const [controls] = createControls({
KeyQ: () => state.x--,
KeyE: () => state.x++,
Space: () => (state.blur = !state.blur),
return ({ width, height, t }) => {
// draw loop function
const lastKey = controls.shift()
if (lastKey) state.lastKey = lastKey
context.fillRect(0, 0, width, height)
setFillStyle(hex(0.5, 0.5, 0.5))
context.fillText(state.lastKey, 10, height - 100)
for (let [u, v] of points) {
const x = lerp(u, width, width / 3)
const y = lerp(v, height, 200)
setFillStyle(hsl(u, 0.5, 0.5))
x + state.x * 10,
y + state.y * 10,
cos(v, 1, 20),
sin(t(0.3) + u, 1, 50),
This will give you something that looks like this: