Math library in Typescript
Math library in Typescript
Inspired by the math classes from three.js. But here the focus is on 2D graphics. Additionally every class implements an observable pattern.
npm install @daign/math --save
- Vector2 - Two-dimensional vectors and main focus of this library.
- Line2 - Two-dimensional lines with start and end points.
- Box2 - Rectangle shape that is defined by a min and max point. Used to represent bounding boxes.
- Triangle2 - Basic functionality for two-dimensional triangles.
- Vector3 - Basic functionality for three-dimensional vectors.
- Matrix3 - 3x3 matrices used for transforming 2D-vectors in homogeneous coordinates.
- Vector1 - Abstract class for 1D vectors.
- Value - Basic implementation of the 1D vector class for numeric values.
- Angle - Extension of 1D vectors for calculations with angles.
- StringValue - Implementation of the observable pattern for a single string.
- GenericArray - Abstract class for arrays of elements implementing the observable pattern.
- Vector2Array - Arrays of 2D vectors.
- StringArray - Arrays of strings.
- ComplexNumber - Basic functionality for complex numbers.
- MathHelper - Helper functions.
Usage example
import {Line2} from '@daign/math';
import {Vector2} from '@daign/math';
// Create a point
const point = new Vector2( 1, 5 );
// Create a line
const line = new Line2( new Vector2(), new Vector2( 6, 4 ) );
// Calculate result of projecting the point on the line
const projected = point.projectOnLine( line );
console.log( projected.x, projected.y );
// Calculate distance between point and projection
console.log( point.distanceTo( projected ) );
# Build
npm run build
# Run lint analysis
npm run lint
# Run unit tests with code coverage
npm run test
# Get a full lcov report
npm run coverage