Collection of map graphics from StarCraft: Brood War for programming use
Contains the StarCraft: Brood War map graphics used for generating screenshots of maps (.scm, .scx) and replays (.rep).
Only the old style pixel art graphics are included, but any valid map or replay is properly supported including Remastered era maps.
[!CAUTION] These files are the property of Blizzard Entertainment and are provided for convenience reasons only.
Only files part of the free-to-play version are included.
What you'll want to do is load these graphics using bw-chk by passing in the base directory.
import {getBwGraphicsPath} from '@dada78641/bwmapgfx'
import Chk from 'bw-chk'
const graphicsPath = getBwGraphicsPath() // e.g. "/home/me/MyProject/node_modules/bwmapgfx/resources"
const graphicsObj = Chk.fsFileAccess(graphicsPath)
Included files
The following files are included:
- all files listed in units.js and sprites.js files from bw-chk;
- for all tilesets
['badlands', 'platform', 'install', 'ashworld', 'jungle', 'desert', 'ice', 'twilight']
, all files of extension['.cv5', '.vx4', '.vr4', '.wpe', '.vx4ex']
For compatibility reasons, all filenames have been changed to lowercase (as required by bw-chk).
- Download the StarCraft map graphics as a .zip file (as alternative to using this module)
- StarCraft: Remastered website
© 1998-2017 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc.