a set of usefull regEx By D3v4pp
what is @d3v4pp/rex
is an npm package that contains a set of regular expressions, and that's it.
installation & Usage
Current version
npm i @d3v4pp/rex --save
Next version
npm i git+https://cvs.d3v4pp.fr/D3V4PP/rex.git --save
How to use
const { email, alpha, num } = require("@d3v4pp/rex");
email.test("[email protected]") //will return true
alpha.test("2233er") //will return false
num.test("1234") //will return true
Included Regular expressions
| Regex | Description | | :---------: | :------------------------------------------------------------------: | | num | numeric only | | alpha | only chars no numbers no special chars | | alphanum | chars alphabet and numbers | | email | a valid email | | url | a valid url | | ipAddress | ip addr v4 | | password | complex password with special char, numeric uppercase and lowwercase | | phone | french phone number | | codePost | french zip code | | time | time hh:mm:ss | | price | float with a precision of two | | date | french date dd/mm/YYYY | | tva | french TVA, Set of values 5.5, 10 and 20 | | prix | float with a precision of two | | date | Fr date jj/mm/yyyy | | password | complex password | | motDePasse | complex password | | matricule | european immatriculation | | tvaIntercom | French TVA intra communautaire | | iban | french IBAN |