Utility to use s3 storage using nodejs. It could upload content to s3 storage to use as backup service.
:floppy_disk: Node s3
Utility to use s3 storage using nodejs. It could upload content to s3 storage to use as backup service.
:eyes: Project status
:key: Create keys
Access key
and Secre key
should be defined in environment variables check example.env for more info about environment variables
:boat: Docker usage
You could use cli app in docker
:rowboat: Build docker image
docker build -t s3 .
:beginner: Environment variables
: Endpoint to connect, could be any s3 compatible endpoint (it could be defined in commandline with--endpoint
, example: http://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com:9000)ACCESS_KEY
: Access key to use (required)SECRET_KEY
: Secret key to use (required)BUCKET
: Bucket name to connect (it could be created using-c
or it could be defined in commandline with--bucket
: Maximum retry connections when fail (optional, example: 3)FORCE_PATH_STYLE
: Force path style (optional, example: true)SSL_ENABLED
: Enable ssl connection to endpoint (optional, example: false)
:checkered_flag: Cli help output
Docker usage
Using docker image from hub.docker.com
docker run --rm d0whc3r/s3 --help
NPM Usage
npx @d0whc3r/node-s3 -h
npm install -g @d0whc3r/node-s3
node-s3 -h
Help for node-s3
Usage of npm node-s3 in command line.
-e, --endpoint url Destination url (can be defined by $ENDPOINT env variable)
--bucket bucket Destination bucket (can be defined by $BUCKET env variable)
-l, --list List all files
-b, --backup file* Backup files
-z, --zip zipname.zip Zip backup files
-r, --replace Replace files if already exists when backup upload
-c, --create Create destination upload bucket
-f, --folder foldername Folder name to upload file/s
-d, --delete foldername=duration OR duration Clean files older than duration in foldername
-m, --mysql Mysql backup using environment variables to connect mysql server
-h, --help Print this usage guide.
1. List files in "sample" bucket. $ node-s3 -e http://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com --bucket sample -l
2. Backup multiple files to "backupFolder" folder. $ node-s3 -e http://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com --bucket sample -b src/index.ts -b images/logo.png -f
3. Backup files using wildcard to "backup" folder. $ node-s3 -e http://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com --bucket sample -b src/* -b images/* -f backup
4. Backup files using wildcard and zip into "zipped" folder, bucket will be created if it doesn't exists. $ node-s3 -e http://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com --bucket sample -b src/* -b images/* -z -f zipped.zip -c
5. Backup files using wildcard and zip using "allfiles.zip" as filename into "zipped" folder, bucket will $ node-s3 -e http://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com --bucket sample -b src/* -b images/* -z allfiles.zip -f
be created if it doesn't exists and zipfile will be replaced if it exists zipped -c -r
6. Delete files in "uploads" folder older than 2days and files in "monthly" folder older than 1month $ node-s3 -e http://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com --bucket sample -d uploads=2d -d monthly=1M
7. Delete files in "uploads" folder older than 1minute $ node-s3 -e http://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com --bucket sample -f uploads -d 1m
8. Generate mysql dump file zip it and upload to "mysql-backup" folder $ node-s3 -e http://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com --bucket sample -f mysql-backup -m -z
The same interface/api using go (golang): go-s3