Best starter for Expo
👋 Intro
The project is super helpful to kick-start your next project, as it provides a lot of the common tools you may reach for, all ready to go. Specifically :
- Flux architecture (boilerplate contains example)
- Application logic is stored on services folder
- Navgiation is stored on router folder
- UI are stored in views and components folder (view folder follow the routing tree)
- Flux architecture
- Context
- With a smart Context management
- Routing and navigation
- Data Caching / Offline
- UI Toolkit/s
- Code Linting with
- ESLint & Prettier
- Deployment strategy
- Expo & EAS
- Husky and Commitizen to format commit message
- GitHub action to start linter on PR and branches
- Others
- date-fns / react-native-dotenv / axios / required libs of Expo
🚀 Getting Started
- Install
plugins into your IDE - Create your project with this command :
# Create Expo project with this template
npx create-expo-app --template @cyril-deschamps/expo-boilerplate
- Install Husky
# Create Expo project with this template
npx husky install
👊 Further Help?
This repo is a great place to start. But...if you'd prefer to sit back and have your new project built for you or just need some consultation, get in touch with me directly and I can organise a quote