This Ionic Capacitor plugin is created to make video calls through the free, open-sourced Jitsi video platform (https://meet.jit.si) on iOS and Android.
This project is a fork from https://github.com/calvinckho/capacitor-jitsi-meet and it will be archived when original project will be compatible with capacitor 3.
Jitsi Meet Capacitor Plugin for Ionic Apps
This Ionic Capacitor plugin is created to make video calls through the free, open-sourced Jitsi video platform (https://meet.jit.si) on iOS and Android.
iOS Compatible Versions
See the plugin changelog for plugin versions that are compatible to your local Xcode.
Capacitor 3.0
// On capacitor 2
import { Plugins } from '@capacitor/core';
import 'capacitor-jitsi-meet';
const { Jitsi } = Plugins;
// On capacitor 3
import {Jitsi} from '@cyril-colin/capacitor3-jitsi-meet';
Upgrade to Capacitor 2.0
Follow the official Capacitor doc to upgrade to 2.0+.
For android deployment, ensure you follow step 6 in README.
Embedding in web applications
This plugin does not currently support web implementation. We recommend using the Jitsi iFrame API (https://jitsi.github.io/handbook/docs/dev-guide/dev-guide-iframe) for full web implementation.
npm install capacitor-jitsi-meet
use it as a Capacitor Plugin
import {Jitsi} from '@cyril-colin/capacitor3-jitsi-meet';
const result = await Jitsi.joinConference({
roomName: 'room1', // room identifier for the conference
url: 'https://meet.jit.si' // endpoint of the Jitsi Meet video bridge,
token: string; // jwt authentication token
displayName: string; // user's display name
email: string; // user's email
avatarURL: string; // user's avatar url
channelLastN: string; // last N participants allowed to join
startWithAudioMuted: true, // start with audio muted
startWithVideoMuted: false // start with video muted
chatEnabled: false, // enable Chat feature
inviteEnabled: false // enable Invitation feature
callIntegrationEnabled: true // enable call integration (CallKit on iOS, ConnectionService on Android)
window.addEventListener('onConferenceJoined', () => {
// do things here
window.addEventListener('onConferenceLeft', () => {
// do things here
await Jitsi.leaveConference();
Feature Requests and Jitsi SDK Customizations
I appreciate those who use this plugin in their production apps and are funding this project as sponsors. Your sponsorship enables me to continue to maintain and roll out releases in a timely manner. Consider joining as a sponsor to get first-class support and consultation. For feature requests, create an issue with a label 'feature request'. I also offer paid consultation service to those needing to modify the Jitsi UI interface. To submit a request, create an issue and add the label 'sdk customization'.
This plugin uses the Jitsi Meet SDK. It was originally developed by then ESTOS' developer Philipp Hancke who then contributed it to the community where development continues with joint forces!