Cyberspace - Online Competition For Coders
Cyberspace.dev - Online Competition For Coders
We love Russia :heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat:
Greetings, pilot!
Do you consider yourself a prolific coder? Are you ready to discover the wild frontiers of cyberspace.dev? Will you pitch yourself against the others just like you to win the grand prize?
Come join the battle at cyberspace.dev, where knowledge is your most powerful weapon!
Website: https://cyberspace.dev
Max requests: 10 p/s
Quick start
Install module as npm package.
npm install @cyberspace-dev/sdk
Import type from package.
import {Account} from "@cyberspace-dev/sdk";
If you are trying to connect from the frontend side then use the following code to disable version checker.
Utils.disableCheck = true;
Connect to account service and signin.
const account = await Account.connect();
await account.signin('[email protected]', 'password');
If you don't have a ship yet, use the following method to create a new one.
await account.assemble();
Look at the objects you own and take control over your ship.
const {objects: [first]} = await account.objects();
const ship = await account.getShip(first.uuid);
Escape the pilot center and learn other commands on our wiki page.
await ship.escape();
You can dispose the ship if you no longer need it.
Congratulations! Please read our wiki: https://github.com/cyberspace-dev/cyberspace-sdk/wiki You also can download the starter project from https://cyberspace.dev/assets/starter/nodejs.zip