CX Company Virtual Assistant core library
The CORE is a package that provides common functionalities to the VA implementations.
- Default exposed javascript API.
- Utilities (Markdown parser, etc)
The configuration object is a JSON object that should be available the moment the core loads:
window.cxcoConfig = {
project: {
publicApiKey: 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx',
culture: 'en',
customerKey: 'customerA',
key: 'projectB'
dci: {
/* check the documentation for the complete ci configuration */
Some of the configuration parameters are stored in the sessionStorage under 'cxco.dci' as part of the initial state that will define how the DCI will load.
Global Options root of the configuration object
|option| optional| description| example|
|engineUrl | optional
| Specifies which base url to use | 'https://proxy.domain.com/customerA/projects/projectB'
|lazyLoad| optional
| Defines how the DCI initializes. Defaults to false
| true
|session| optional
| Sets Session variables | { mode: 'test' }
Project Options window.cxcoConfig.project
|option| optional| description| example|
|publicApiKey | mandatory
| the given API Key| 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'
|culture | mandatory
| language country code | 'en'
|customerKey | mandatory
| the given customer key | 'customerA'
|key | mandatory
| the given project key | 'projectB'
const instance = new CxcoCore({ useWindowConfig: true, useWindowApi: true, component: 'dci' })
|Get options from window.cxcoConfig|
|Listen to events from window.cxco|
|Component name|
When the option useWindowApi
is true the core can be use from the browser's window object.
You can then trigger actions such as:
- sendEvent
- ask
- answer
- on
- changeState
- transcript
- archive
// 1 - add metadata to ask request
function (result) {
console.log('ask received on the window listener', result)
if (result.metadata.dimensions) {
result.metadata.dimensions.push({ 'LoggedIn': 'true' })
} else {
result.metadata.dimensions = [{ 'LoggedIn': 'true' }]
// 2 -modify or replace an answer
function (result) {
console.log('answer received on the window listener', result)
result.data.answer = '<p>Modified Answer</p>'
// 3 - hide input field
cxco.push(['showInput', false])
// 4 - send and event
cxco.push(['sendEvent', 'event_name'])
// 4b - send event with extra metadata
cxco.push(['sendEvent', { data: { eventName: 'event_name'} , metadata: { session: { mode: 'internal'} } }])
/** 5 - Change State of the chatbot.
* modifiable properties:
* - 'isHidden' (boolean)
* - 'isOpen'(boolean)
cxco.push(['changeState', { isHidden: true }])
// 6 - trigger a question.
cxco.push(['ask', 'hello world!'])
// 6b - trigger a question passing additional metadata.
cxco.push(['ask', { data: { userInput: 'hello world!'} , metadata: { session: { firstName: 'Joe'} } }])
// 7 - adding a question message bubble bypassing DCX.
cxco.push(['ask', { data: { userInput: 'hello world!'} , metadata: { target: 'ui' } }])
// 7b - asking a question in DCX message bubble bypassing the UI.
cxco.push(['ask', { data: { userInput: 'hello world!'} , metadata: { target: 'api' } }])
// 8 - adding an answer message bubble bypassing DCX.
cxco.push(['answer', { data: { answer: 'The quick brown fox\n\njumps over the lazy dog.'}}])
The core allows to register plugins that will listen to core events.
import CxcoCore from '@cxco/core'
import cxcoChatWidget, { htmlAnswers } from '@cxco/ui-chat'
import cxcoDcxApi from '@cxco/api-dcx'
const elm = document.createElement('div')
const instance = new CxcoCore({ useWindowConfig: true, useWindowApi: true })
The plugin package must expose a install function that accepts the core as an argument. In that function you can bind your functions to core events.
// plugin example
export default function (elm) {
// ...
return {
install (core) {
const chatApp = app(state, actions, view, elm)
core.on('answer', chatApp.onAnswer)
core.on('ui.showInput', chatApp.showInput)
The Core Answer Object
The core answers with an JSON object that has two main properties: data and metadata.
The data
property contains the information that can be show to the user.
The metadata
contains the extra information that among other things can be used to adapt the GUI.
An example answer would look like:
"data": {
"type": "answer",
"answer": "The answer\n",
"images": [],
"videos": [],
"outputAdditions": {},
"links": []
"metadata": {
"sessionId": "257f9ad8-7885-4ffc-99e9-41dc3a6d5014",
"interactionId": "ba51d5b8-461c-4ea9-acec-72195d810391",
"culture": "en",
"escalation": "escalation_1x_noanswer",
"relatedFaqs": [
"id": 289,
"question": "Which are the best pizzas in town?",
"categories": [
"id": 257,
"question": "Which are the best burgers in town?",
"categories": [
"originalRequest": {
"config": {
"data": {
"userInput": "I want to eat."
"metadata": {
"minFaqs": 1,
"maxFaqs": 3,
"classificationId": 1,
"sessionId": "257f9ad8-7885-4ffc-99e9-41dc3a6d5014",
"dimensions": [
"LoggedIn": "false"
In this particular payload there are some contextual FAQs in metadata.relatedFaqs
so, the GUI could use them to present more options to the user.
It also contains a metadata.escalation
stating that the engine couldn't recognize the question.