Schema and markdown parser for @curvenote/editor
Schema for interactive scientific writing, with translations to MyST flavoured markdown, LaTeX, and HTML.
Overview & Goals
- Provide a typed schema for writing reactive scientific documents using @curvenote/components
- Uses Web Components in the rendered HTML output for non-standard components
- Uses standard html for all other compnents, with no styling enforced
- Interoperability with CommonMark markdown and MyST
- Through
- Through
- Provide components for WYSIWYG editing of reactive documents
- See
or curvenote.com for the editor!
- See
- The internal representation for the library is a ProseMirror Document structure (that can be rendered as JSON)
- markdown-it is used parse and tokenize markdown content
The schema has Nodes
and Marks
where Nodes
are basically a block of content (paragraph, code, etc.), and Marks
are inline modifications to the content (bold, emphasis, links, etc.). See the ProseMirror docs for a visual explanation.
Overview of Nodes
- Basic Markdown
- text
- paragraph
- heading
- blockquote
- code_block
- image
- horizontal_rule
- hard_break
- ordered_list
- bullet_list
- list_item
- Presentational Components
- Reactive Components
Overview of Marks
- link
- code
- em
- strong
- superscript
- subscript
- strikethrough
- underline
- abbr
Simple Example
This moves from markdown --> JSON --> HTML. The JSON is the intermediate representation for @curvenote/editor
import { Schema, nodes, marks, fromMarkdown, toHTML } from '@curvenote/schema';
import { JSDOM } from 'jsdom';
const schema = new Schema({ nodes, marks });
const content = '# Hello `@curvenote/schema`!';
const doc = fromMarkdown(content, schema);
>> {
"type": "doc",
"content": [
"type": "heading",
"attrs": { "level": 1 },
"content": [
{ "type": "text", "text": "Hello " },
"type": "text",
"marks": [ { "type": "code" } ],
"text": "@curvenote/schema"
{ "type": "text", "text": "!" }
// Assuming we are in node, just use `document` if in a browser!
const { document } = new JSDOM('').window;
// Now move the document back out to html
const html = toHTML(doc, schema, document);
>> "<h1>Hello <code>@curvenote/schema</code>!</h1>"
- Integrate other
as nodes - Improve equation and start to go to/from various MyST syntax for this
- Add figure properties (name, width, caption etc.)
- Provide citations, probably bring in a bibtex parser
- Introduce citation and reference component to curvenote/components or article
- Add overlaping roles/directives with MyST (e.g. see executablebooks/meta#70) for pointers
- Add the necessary pieces to curvenote/components that are not basic html (MyST uses sphinx for the heavy lifting, cross-refs etc.)
- Provide other sereializers from the document strucutre (e.g. latex or simple html without curvenote/components, possibly idyll)
See also:
- Idyll Lang has a different markdown-like serialization with very similar base components to curvenote - see curvenote/article#8 for a comparison.