A particle emitter Container extension for CreateJS
Particle Emitter CreateJS
A CreateJS Container extension to make a Particle Emitter that controls the CreateJS DisplayObjects it emits and specified intervals
- ParticleEmitter
- Usage
- Particle Settings
- Emitter Settings
- new ParticleEmitter(settings)
- .playCallback()
- .stopCallback()
- .setSizeDefaults(type)
- .prewarm(frames)
- ._tick(event)
- .spawnParticle()
- .getRandomPos()
- .getRandomBoxPosition()
- .getRandomBorderPosition()
- .getRandomCornerPosition()
- .getRandomCirclePosition()
- .getRandomRingPosition()
- .createPool()
- .createDisplay(display)
- .getRandomDisplay(array)
- .checkReady()
- .stopAllParticles()
- .play()
- .pause()
- .resume()
- .stop()
- .reset()
- .stopAll()
- .change(particleData)
- .setEmitter(settings)
- .setParticles(settings)
All options for the emitter have default values: See examples folder:
// The 'display' property below can be a CreateJS DisplayObject
// an Array of Display Objects
// or a Function that returns a DisplayObject
// Function that just returns a single square shape
let createSquare = function () {
// Create a shape to be the particle
let square = new createjs.Shape();
square.graphics.beginFill("Red").drawRect(0, 0, 10, 10);
square.set({ regX: 5, regY: 5 });
return square;
//Function to be called when each particle's `play()` function is called
let particlePlay = function(particle) {
// Function to be called when the emitter's `stop()` function is called
let emitterStop = function(emitter) {
// Settings for each particles
let particleSettings = {
display: createSquare,
lifetime: { min: 1, max: 2 },
moveSpeed: { min: 5, max: 10 },
rotateSpeed: { min: -180, max: 180 },
scaleEase: createjs.Ease.sineInOut,
scaleOverTime: { start: 1, end: 0 },
opacityEase: createjs.Ease.quadInOut,
opacityOverTime: { start: 1, end: 0 },
randomStartVelocity: { x: true, y: true },
randomStartRotation: true,
force: { x: 0, y: 0 },
explode: false,
implode: false,
gravity: 9.8,
playCallback: particlePlay
// Settings for the emitter
let emitterSettings = {
particle: particle, // The particleSettings object created above
particleContainer: null,
emitterType: {
type: 'ring',
size: { radius: 50 }
count: 30,
rate: 0.1,
loop: false,
burst: false,
startOn: true,
prewarm: 0,
stopCallback: emitterStop
return new ParticleEmitter(emitterSettings);
Particle Settings
display - The visual DisplayObject for the particle. Can be either a single DisplayObject, an Array of DisplayObjects, or a Function that returns a Display Object
lifetime - The min and max lifetime of each particle (random number between if values are different)
moveSpeed - The min and max movement speed for each particle (random number between if values are different)
rotateSpeed - The min and max rotation speed for each particle (random number between if values are different)
scaleEase - The CreateJS Ease Function to use for scaleOverTime property
scaleOverTime - The start and end value for scaling the particle over it's lifetime
opacityEase - The CreateJS Ease function to use for the opacityOverTime property
opacityOverTime - The start and end value for changing the alpha property of the particle over it's lifetime
randomStartVelocity - Does the particle get a random X and Y start velocity/direction
randomStartRotation - Does the particle get a random start rotation
force - The force to apply in the X and Y direction (wind)
** Note only one option 'explode' or 'implode' can be set to true not both **
explode - Do the particles 'explode' outwards from the center of the emitter shape - does not work with 'point'
** Note only one option 'explode' or 'implode' can be set to true not both **
implode - Do the particles 'implode' towards the center of the emitter shape - does not work with 'point'
gravity - The Gravity force on the Y axis (pos or neg)
playCallback - Callback function to be called when a Particle's `play()` function is called. The function is passed the Particle that called the function (Optional)
stopCallback - Callback function to be called when a Particle's `stop()` function is called. The function is passed the Particle that called the function (Optional)
Emitter Settings
particle - An object containing some or all the Particle Settings listed above
particleContainer - The Parent container to add all particles too. Default is the ParticleEmitter itself
emitterType - The shape and size for the emitter - see examples folder for more info
count - The number of particles created and controlled in the pool
rate - The rate (speed) at which the particles are spawned over time (ignored if burst is true)
loop - Does the emitter loop or just play once (true / false)
burst - If set to `true` the emitter will spawn all the particles at once (takes precedence over rate)
startOn - Does the particle emitter play immediately or not (`.play()` call is required if false)
prewarm - Number of Frames to simulate - Simulate where the particle emitter would be after X number of frames - Use for emitters such as a waterfall effect that would have been pre-running before being visually loaded
playCallback - Callback function to be called when the emitter's `play()` function is called, called when instantion is complete if `startOn = true`. The function is passed the ParticleEmitter that called the function (Optional)
stopCallback - Callback function to be called when the emitter's `stop()` function is called, called when the last particle spawns if `loop = false`. The function is passed the ParticleEmitter that called the function (Optional)
new ParticleEmitter(settings)
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | settings | Object | Settings for the emitter and the particles it controls |
Callback the playCallback function if one was provided
Callback the stopCallback function if one was provided
If we do not have a size for the emitter set some defaults
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | type | String | Emitter Type from constructor settings |
Prewarm, set, or calculate what the particle emitter would look at after jumping a number of frames ahead
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | frames | Number | number of frames to calculate ahead of the particle emitter's starting position |
Update tick called internally - handled by CreateJS
| Param | Type | | --- | --- | | event | Event |
Spawn a particle and increment the array tracker
Set the particle position based on the emitter type we have
Get a random position within a box or rectangle shape
Get a random position position on the border of a box or rectangle shape
Get a random position of the 4 corners of a box or rectangle shape
Get a random position within a circle radius shape
Get random ring position
Create all the objects in a pool
Create a DisplayObject from either a Function, an Array, or a single DisplayObject
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | display | * | DisplayObject / Array of DisplayObjects / Function that returns a DisplayObject |
Return a random display object from the Array
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | array | Array | Array of DisplayObjects |
Check if all the particles are ready to play again - used for checking if we are ready for another Burst
Stop all the particles and the emitter
Play the emitter
Pause the emitter
Resume the playing of our emitter
Stop the emitter
Stop all the particles and the emitter and then play again
Stop the particles and the emitter
Change the particles being emitted during runtime
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | particleData | Object | new data for the particle settings |
Set the emitter object settings values
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | settings | Object | Object with settings to change for the emitter Object |
Set the particle object settings values
| Param | Type | Description | | --- | --- | --- | | settings | Object | Object with settings to change for the particle Object |