Lint TypeScript with ESLint, format with Prettier. Type-safe. Zero-conflict.
[x] Extendable... fully customized ESLint configuration
[x] Optimized... for explosive TypeScript development
[x] Consistent... comment doc formatting with jsdoc and tsdoc
[x] Seamless... integration with Prettier
[x] Granular... keep Prettier and ESLint separate without conflict
Using this package in your project
pnpm add -D eslint @cuppachino/eslint-config
Create a tsconfig.eslint.json
at the root of your project and extend your own tsconfig.json
"extends": "./tsconfig.json",
"compilerOptions": {
"noEmit": true
"include": [
// "src/",
// "./vite.config.ts",
// "./apps/*/tsconfig.json"
Create a .eslintrc.cjs
file in the root of your project and extend the config:
module.exports = {
/* 1️⃣ focus eslint to not look outside of your project */
root: true,
/* 2️⃣ extend your config with the package */
extends: ['@cuppachino/eslint-config'],
/* 3️⃣ point your own tsconfig(s) */
parserOptions: {
tsconfigRootDir: __dirname,
project: [
'./tsconfig.eslint.json', // REQUIRED
settings: {
'import/resolver': {
typescript: {
alwaysTryTypes: true,
project: [
'./tsconfig.eslint.json', // REQUIRED
/* ⭐ Override rules here */
rules: {
// ...
If you extend additional configs after @cuppachino/eslint-config
, you may introduce conflicts between Prettier and ESLint. You can work around this by always including the config last OR by manually adding the eslint-config-prettier
package to your project and adding "prettier"
to the end of your extends
// ❌ NOT OK
extends: [
// ✅ OK
extends: [
// ✅ OK
extends: [
IDE Integration
Make sure to use your workspace's version of TypeScript and your tsconfig.json
for type checking!
To highlight code quality errors in vscode, you can use dbaeumer.vscode-eslint.
Add the following scripts to your package.json for usage in your pipeline:
"scripts": {
"lint:check": "eslint",
"lint": "eslint --fix"
Follow the setup directions for rvest.vs-code-prettier-eslint. This will allow you to fix linting errors with eslint and format your code with prettier, on save, in one step.
These scripts can be used to format your entire project:
"scripts": {
"format": "prettier --check .",
"format:fix": "prettier --write ."
Development Cycle
If you have the previously mentioned extensions installed, you should be able to use them during development.
Install Dependencies
This package is managed with PNPM. To get started, run the following commands:
cd YOUR-eslint-config
pnpm install
Change, Commit, Merge & Release & Publish
After you make changes and save, create a new changeset and follow the cli prompts:
cd YOUR-eslint-config pnpm new
Push your changes to a new branch and open a PR.
Once your PR is merged, changesets will automatically create a new release and publish it to NPM.