CubeSigner TypeScript SDK
CubeSigner TypeScript SDK
CubeSigner is a hardware-backed, non-custodial platform for securely managing cryptographic keys. This repository is the TypeScript SDK for programmatically interacting with CubeSigner services.
CubeSigner background
The Cubist team built CubeSigner to address the key security vs key availability tradeoff: right now, many teams are forced to keep keys available in memory and therefore exposed to attackers, or try to keep keys safe—usually only at rest—at serious latency and engineering cost. CubeSigner addresses this problem by giving developers low-latency access to hardware-backed key generation and signing. During each of these operations, CubeSigner safeguards their users' keys in HSM-sealed Nitro Enclaves—combining cold wallet security with hot wallet speed and simplicity.
Right now, the CubeSigner SDK supports signing for EVM chains like Ethereum and Avalanche, and non-EVM chains Bitcoin and Solana. Support for more chains is in the works!
Installing the SDK
You can install the SDK from npm:
npm install --save "@cubist-labs/cubesigner-sdk"
npm install --save "@cubist-labs/cubesigner-sdk-fs-storage" # support for filesystem-backed sessions
Logging into CubeSigner
Before running the "getting started" examples below (or tests later), you must
log into your CubeSigner organization using the cs
command-line tool, e.g.,
cs login [email protected] --env '<gamma|prod|...>'
Getting started
[!TIP] For migration from
, please see MIGRATION.md
In this section we are going to walk through a simple CubeSigner setup. We'll create a signing key, then sign some EVM transactions, and then add a security policy to restrict the kinds of transactions that CubeSigner is allowed to sign.
To start, we'll instantiate the top-level CubeSignerClient
class from an
existing CubeSigner management session already stored on disk
(remember, you must already be logged in).
Let's also assume that the following imports are available to all the examples below.
import * as cs from "@cubist-labs/cubesigner-sdk";
import { JsonFileSessionManager, defaultManagementSessionManager } from "@cubist-labs/cubesigner-sdk-fs-storage";
import assert from "assert";
Instantiate CubeSignerClient
The first order of business is to create an instance of CubeSignerClient
We can do that by simply loading a session token from the
default location on disk (which is where the cs login
command saves
const cubesigner = await cs.CubeSignerClient.create(defaultManagementSessionManager());
Alternatively, a CubeSignerClient
instance can be created by explicitly
providing a session manager:
// Create a session manager backed by a JSON file
const fileStorage = new JsonFileSessionManager(
await cs.CubeSignerClient.create(fileStorage);
Get User
and Org
We can now obtain some information about the logged-in user and the organization the user belongs to:
const me = await cubesigner.user();
assert(me.user_id); // each user has a globally unique ID
assert(me.org_ids); // IDs of all organizations this user is a member of
assert(me.org_ids.length === 1); // assume that the user is a member of exactly one org
const org = await cubesigner.org();
assert(await org.enabled()); // assume that the org is enabled
There is a lot more to do with an organization, like creating/listing keys, creating/listing roles, setting up org-wide security policies, etc.
For the rest of this tutorial, we assume the logged-in user is a member of at least one organization.
Create a Key
Next, let's create a key that we'll later use to sign an Ethereum
transaction. For that, we need a key of type Secp256k1.Evm
const secpKey = await org.createKey(cs.Secp256k1.Evm);
assert((await secpKey.owner()) == me.user_id);
assert(await secpKey.enabled());
assert(await secpKey.type(), cs.Secp256k1.Evm);
console.log(`Created '${cs.Secp256k1.Evm}' key ${secpKey.id}`);
Sign an Ethereum transaction
Let's create a dummy EvmSignRequest
const eth1Request = <cs.EvmSignRequest>{
chain_id: 1,
tx: {
to: "0xff50ed3d0ec03ac01d4c79aad74928bff48a7b2b",
type: "0x00",
gas: "0x61a80",
gasPrice: "0x77359400",
nonce: "0",
value: "0x100",
It seems we have everything in place to sign this request with the
previously created key. However, attempting to do so fails with 403
saying something like Session does not have the required scopes...
try {
console.log("Trying to sign with improper scopes");
await secpKey.signEvm(eth1Request);
assert(false, "Must not be allowed to sign without scopes");
} catch (e) {
assert(`${e}`.includes("Session does not have required scopes"));
By default, the sessions created by the CLI cannot perform signing operations. All sessions have a series of scopes which which determine what that session can be used for. We'll talk more about this later, but for now just know that we need a new session with the proper scopes:
let signingClient = await cs.CubeSignerClient.create(
// declare the "sign:*" scope which allows us to sign using any keys the
// account has access to
await cubesigner.org().createSession("readme signing demo", ["manage:key:get", "sign:*"]));
const signingKey = new cs.Key(signingClient, secpKey.cached);
let sig = await signingKey.signEvm(eth1Request);
Using ethers.js instead of the SDK directly
If your application uses ethers.js, you can configure it to use CubeSigner to sign transactions.
import { Signer } from "@cubist-labs/cubesigner-sdk-ethers-v6";
import { ethers } from "ethers";
// Create new Signer
const ethersSigner = new Signer(secpKey.materialId, signingClient);
assert((await ethersSigner.getAddress()) === ethers.getAddress(secpKey.materialId));
// sign transaction as usual:
"ethers.js signature:",
await ethersSigner.signTransaction({
chainId: 1,
to: "0xff50ed3d0ec03ac01d4c79aad74928bff48a7b2b",
value: ethers.parseEther("0.0000001"),
Access control with Role
CubeSigner uses roles to control access to keys when more than one user wants to
use them. You can think of roles as groups
that give certain users access to certain keys. To get started, let's
create a Role
and then simply call createSession
on it:
// Create a role, implicitly adding ourselves as a member
const role = await org.createRole();
console.log("Adding key to role, then signing an Ethereum transaction");
await role.addKey(secpKey);
// Members of the role can create sessions which can only access keys in the role
const roleClient = await cs.CubeSignerClient.create(
// Role sessions implicitly have the "sign:*" scope
await role.createSession("readme")
console.log(`Created client for role '${role.id}'`);
Set security policies
When we add a Secp256k1.Evm
key to a role (as we did above), a client
associated with that role allows us to sign any Ethereum
transaction with that key. If that seems too permissive, we can attach a security
policy to restrict the allowed usages of this key in this role.
For example, to restrict signing to transactions with a pre-approved
recipient, we can attach a TxReceiver
policy to our key:
console.log("Setting transaction receiver policy");
await secpKey.setPolicy([{ TxReceiver: "0xff50ed3d0ec03ac01d4c79aad74928bff48a7b2b" }]);
console.log("Signing transaction");
const roleKey = new cs.Key(roleClient, secpKey.cached);
sig = await roleKey.signEvm(eth1Request);
Try changing the transaction receiver and verify that the transaction indeed gets rejected:
console.log("Signing a transaction to a different receiver must be rejected");
try {
await roleKey.signEvm({
chain_id: 1,
tx: <any>{
to: "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
assert(false, "Must be rejected by policy");
} catch (e) {
assert(`${e}`.includes("Transaction receiver not allowed by policy"));
Warning Setting new policies overwrites the previous ones. Call
instead ofKey::setPolicy
to append to existing policies.
Sign a raw blob
The CubeSignerClient
class exposes the signBlob
method, which signs
an arbitrary (raw, uninterpreted) bag of bytes with a given key. This
operation, however, is not permitted by default; it is permanently
disabled for BLS
keys, and for other key types it can be enabled by
attaching an "AllowRawBlobSigning"
// Create a new Ed25519 key (e.g., for Cardano) and add it to our roleClient's role
const edKey = await org.createKey(cs.Ed25519.Cardano);
await role.addKey(edKey);
console.log(`Created '${await edKey.type()}' key ${edKey.id} and added it to role ${role.id}`);
// Sign raw blobs with our new ed key and the secp we created before
for (const key of [edKey, secpKey]) {
console.log(`Confirming that raw blob with ${await key.type()} is rejected by default`);
const roleKey = new cs.Key(roleClient, key.cached);
const blobReq = <cs.BlobSignRequest>{
message_base64: "L1kE9g59xD3fzYQQSR7340BwU9fGrP6EMfIFcyX/YBc=",
try {
await roleKey.signBlob(blobReq);
assert(false, "Must be rejected by policy");
} catch (e) {
assert(`${e}`.includes("Raw blob signing not allowed"));
console.log("Signing raw blob after adding 'AllowRawBlobSigning' policy");
await key.appendPolicy(["AllowRawBlobSigning"]);
const blobSig = await roleKey.signBlob(blobReq);
Warning When signing a raw blob with a
key, the blob MUST be the output of a secure hash function like SHA-256, and must be exactly 32 bytes long. This is a strict requirement of the ECDSA signature algorithm used by Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other blockchains. Signing any byte string that is not the output of a secure hash function can lead to catastrophic security failure, including completely leaking your secret key.
Trying to sign an invalid message with a secp key will fail with
400 Bad Request
saying Signature scheme: InvalidMessage
Session Management
In the above examples we've used 3 different sessions:
- A management session that we created using the CLI
- A signing session that we created using (1)
- A role session that we created used (1)
All CubeSignerClient
s require a valid session in order to operate. In this section
we'll dive into the specifics of sessions in the TypeScript SDK.
Loading from disk
If you already have an active session in cs
(the CubeSigner CLI), you can
load it into the TypeScript SDK with a simple helper (as we did earlier).
await cs.CubeSignerClient.create(defaultManagementSessionManager())
Or we can use the CLI to create our own session explicitly for our JavaScript client:
cs session create --role-id $ROLE_ID --scope sign-all --output json > session.json
Then we can load it like so:
try {
await cs.CubeSignerClient.create(new JsonFileSessionManager("./session.json"));
} catch {
console.error("Unable to find file")
Loading from Memory
If you already have the session information (SessionData
in Typescript) in memory, you can
load that directly into a client.
// Get the session data we want to use with the client
const sessionData: cs.SessionData = await role.createSession("readme");
await cs.CubeSignerClient.create(new cs.MemorySessionManager(sessionData))
// or, for short
await cs.CubeSignerClient.create(sessionData)
Clients created this way will automatically refresh the session. If you try to use this session with another client, they will both try to refresh, leading to failures.
Managers, Storage and Refreshing
As we've seen in the examples above, all CubeSignerClient
s are constructed using the create
constructor. The create
constructor accepts either raw SessionData
or a SessionManager
. So far we've seen two different session managers:
These managers are responsible for keeping your session tokens refreshed
and (optionally) persisted. Whenever your session tokens are refreshed,
will write the new tokens to disk.
More complex managers can be written by implementing the SessionManager
Create a session for an OIDC user
CubeSigner supports the OIDC standard for authenticating third-party users.
First, we need an OIDC token. We can get one from Google or any other
supported OIDC issuer! For the purpose of this example, we'll assume
the OIDC token is stored in the OIDC_TOKEN
environment variable
import * as dotenv from "dotenv"; // npm install [email protected]
const oidcToken = process.env["OIDC_TOKEN"];
Before we can use the OIDC token for authentication, we must add an org policy to allow the particular issuer/audience pair from the token.
const oldOrgPolicy = await org.policy();
const oidcPayload = JSON.parse(atob(oidcToken.split(".")[1].replace(/-/g, "+").replace(/_/g, "/")));
const oidcAuthSourcesPolicy = {
OidcAuthSources: {
[oidcPayload.iss]: [oidcPayload.aud],
console.log("Setting org policy", oidcAuthSourcesPolicy);
await org.setPolicy([oidcAuthSourcesPolicy]);
Finally, exchange the OIDC token for a session.
const oidcSessionResp = await cs.CubeSignerClient.createOidcSession(
org.id, // org id to log into
["manage:mfa:*", "sign:*"] // scopes for the session
const oidcClient = await cs.CubeSignerClient.create(oidcSessionResp.data());
Info For full details on how to use this SDK to create a CubeSigner account for a third-party user and then exchange a valid OIDC token CubeSigner session, check out the OIDC Example.
Set up TOTP for a user
To manage a user we need a session bound to that user. It
doesn't matter if that user is native to CubeSigner or a third-party
OIDC user. For that purpose, in this section we are going to use the
previously created oidcCubeSigner
To set up TOTP, we first call the resetTotpStart
method to initiate a
TOTP reset procedure.
console.log(`Setting up TOTP for user ${me.email}`);
let totpResetResp = await oidcClient.resetTotp();
If the user has already configured TOTP (or any other form of MFA),
this response will require multi factor authentication. In that case,
for example, call totpApprove
and provide the code for the existing
TOTP to proceed:
import { authenticator } from "otplib"; // npm install [email protected]
let totpSecret = process.env["CS_USER_TOTP_SECRET"]!;
if (totpResetResp.requiresMfa()) {
console.log("Resetting TOTP requires MFA");
const code = authenticator.generate(totpSecret);
totpResetResp = await totpResetResp.totpApprove(oidcClient, code);
console.log("MFA approved using existing TOTP");
The response contains a TOTP challenge, i.e., a new TOTP configuration in the form of the standard TOTP url. From that url, we can generate a QR code to present to the user, or create an authenticator for automated testing.
const totpChallenge = totpResetResp.data();
To complete the challenge, we must call resetTotpComplete
provide the TOTP code matching the TOTP configuration from the challenge:
totpSecret = new URL(totpChallenge.totp_url).searchParams.get("secret");
await totpChallenge.answer(authenticator.generate(totpSecret));
After TOTP is configured, we can double check that our authenticator
is generating the correct code by calling verifyTotp
console.log(`Verifying current TOTP code`);
let code = authenticator.generate(totpSecret);
await oidcClient.verifyTotp(code);
We can also check that the user's profile now indeed includes Totp
as one of the configured MFA factors.
const mfa = (await oidcClient.user()).mfa;
console.log("Configured MFA types", mfa);
assert(mfa.map((m) => m.type).includes("totp"));
Configure MFA policy for signing
We've already discussed assigning a security policy to a key; requiring multi-factor authentication is another such policy.
Let's update our secpKey
key to require an additional approval via
TOTP before anything may be signed with that key:
console.log(`Require TOTP for key ${secpKey.materialId}`);
await secpKey.appendPolicy([{ RequireMfa: { count: 1, allowed_mfa_types: ["Totp"] } }]);
Now, when we call any signing operation on secpKey
, we'll
receive 202 Accepted
instead of 200 Ok
. The response body contains
an MFA ID, which we can use to fetch and inspect the associated MFA
request, see how many approvals it requires, what kind of MFA factors
it allows, etc. Instead, since we know that our key requires TOTP, we
can just call totpApprove
on the response and pass the current TOTP
code to it; if the code is correct, the call will succeed
and return the signature.
console.log(`Signing a transaction now requires TOTP`);
const oidcKey = new cs.Key(oidcClient, secpKey.cached);
let resp = await oidcKey.signEvm(eth1Request);
console.log(`Approving with TOTP code`);
code = authenticator.generate(totpSecret);
resp = await resp.totpApprove(oidcClient, code);
Clean up
Once we are done, we can revoke the signer session and delete the role we created.
console.log("Cleaning up");
await signingClient.revokeSession();
await roleClient.revokeSession();
await role.delete();
As of now, deleting keys is not supported.
Building the SDK
npm install
npm run build
Running the SDK tests
After logging in, you can just run:
npm test
The tests will create some temporary keys and roles (in the organization of the signed-in user), then sign some messages, and finally clean (most of it) up.
Copyright (C) 2022-2023 Cubist, Inc.
See the NOTICE file for licensing information.