Wrap lines using the Unicode Line Breaking algorithm from UAX #14
A command-line interface (CLI) for the @cto.af/linewrap project.
npm install -g @cto.af/linewrap-cli
Usage: linewrap [options] [...file]
Wrap some text, either from file, stdin, or given on the command line. Each
chunk of text is wrapped independently from one another, and streamed to stdout
(or an outFile, if given). Command line arguments with -t/--text are processed
before files.
...file files to wrap and concatenate. Use "-" for
stdin. Default: "-"
-7,--example7 turn on the extra rules from Example 7 of UAX
-c,--firstCol <value> If outdentFirst is specified, how many columns
was the first line already indented? If NaN,
use the indent width, in graphemes. If
outdentFirst is false, this is ignored Default:
-e,--encoding <encoding> encoding for files read or written. stdout is
always in the default encoding. (choices:
"ascii", "utf8", "utf-8", "utf16le", "ucs2",
"ucs-2", "base64", "base64url", "latin1",
"binary", "hex") Default: "utf8"
--ellipsis <string> What string to use when a word is longer than
the max width, and in overflow mode "clip"
Default: "…"
-h,--help display help for command
--html escape output for HTML
--hyphen <string> What string to use when a word is longer than
the max width, and in overflow mode "any"
Default: "-"
-i,--indent <string|number> indent each line with this text. If a number,
indent that many spaces Default: ""
--indentChar <string> if indent is a number, that many indentChars
will be inserted before each line Default: " "
--indentEmpty if the input string is empty, should we still
indent? Default: false
--isNewline <regex> a regular expression to replace newlines in the
input. Empty to leave newlines in place.
Default: "[^\\S\\r\\n\\v\\f\\x85\\u2028\
-l,--locale <iso location> locale for grapheme segmentation. Has very
little effect at the moment
--newline <string> how to separate the lines of output Default:
--newlineReplacement <string> when isNewline matches, replace with this
string Default: " "
-o,--outFile <file> output to a file instead of stdout
--outdentFirst Do not indent the first output line Default:
--overflow <style> what to do with words that are longer than
width. (choices: "visible", "clip",
"anywhere") Default: "visible"
-t,--text <value> wrap this chunk of text. If used, stdin is not
processed unless "-" is used explicitly. Can
be specified multiple times. Default: []
-v,--verbose turn on super-verbose information. Not useful
for anything but debugging underlying libraries
-w,--width <columns> maximum line length Default: "(your terminal
width or 80)"
linewrap -w 4 -t "foo bar"
echo -n "foo bar" | linewrap -w 4
linewrap -o outputFileName.txt -w 4 inputFileName.txt