Node-powered shell that combines JavaScript and traditional shell-scripting
A shell implemented in node. It is meant for running scripts, not for being an interactive shell.
It's currently a work-in-progress but already makes it easier to write and run NPM scripts cross-platform.
The eventual goal is to allow jumping back and forth between shell-like scripting and JavaScript logic by using ES template strings.
// For example
run `
rm -rf ${ cleanDirectories.map(d => path.resolve(d)) }
pug ${ glob('**.pug') }
I often need to write build scripts for my node projects. Using npm scripts for all but the most trivial tasks, in a cross-platform manner, is annoying.
I just want to list commands in a file and execute them one after the other, without worrying about bash
or cmd.exe
Basic usage:
For use in your project, for example to run your npm scripts:
npm install --save-dev nsh
...or if you want it in your PATH:
npm install --global nsh
Invoke it like this:
nsh [options] <script file>
There aren't any options at the moment.