🔮 Projects - Babel configs
⚙️ Setup
1. Install
npm i @crystal-ball/babel-base -DE
npm i @babel/runtime -E
2. Setup a Babel config
// babel.config.js
'use strict'
const { babelBase } = require('@crystal-ball/babel-base')
module.exports = function babelConfigs() {
// Generate base Babel configs for your target project type
const baseConfigs = babelBase({
env: 'development|production|test',
target: 'node|react',
/* Optionally override the base configs as needed... */
return baseConfigs
React projects
1. Install packages
# Install polyfills included in application bundle
npm i core-js regenerator-runtime -E
# Install Linaria preset as a dev dependency
npm i @linaria/babel-preset react-refresh -DE
2. Import polyfills
// src/index.js
* Polyfill environments, these imports will be transformed to just the
* polyfills needed to meet the browserslist targets by the `entry` config for
* `@babel/preset-env`
import 'core-js'
import 'regenerator-runtime/runtime'