N-dimensions classes for vectors. Abstraction for a vector class, implementation of Vector2, Vector3, Vector4.
The Creative Environment vector implements a generic n-dimensional Vector class which can handle any number of components. @creenv/vector also implements 3 children of such a class, Vector2, Vector3 and Vector4.
How to use
import Vector from '@creenv/vector';
// 2 components vector
let vec2 = new Vector(10.5, 0.7);
// 5 components vector
let vec5 = new Vector(10, 20, -4, 10.5, 78);
It is also possible to use children classes Vector2, Vector3 and Vector4 to have access to x, y, z, w components:
import Vector2 from '@creenv/vector/vector2';
import Vector4 from '@creenv/vector/vector4';
// 2 components vector
let vec2 = new Vector2(10.5, 0.7);
// we can now access the components like so
let x = vec2.x;
let y = vec2.y;
// 4 components vector
let vec4 = new Vector3(12, -3, 5, 7);
// we can now access the components like so
let x = vec4.x;
let y = vec4.y;
let z = vec4.z;
let w = vec4.w;
Chaining operations
Most of the methods returns this, which means it is possible to chain operations:
let vec = new Vector(10,10,10);
console.log(vec.components); // expected output: [24, 24, 24]
Full doc
Following is a full list of availaible methods via the Vector class.
constructor (...components)
The number of arguments sent to the constructor will determine the dimesions of the vector. 4 arguments will result in a 4-dimentional vector.
static Vector.fromVector (vector: Vector)
Because we want the vector class to be as fast as possible, its constructor needs to perform as less actions as possible. In order to achieve such an effect, a "copy constructor" cannot be used because it would require some more tests and computations within the constructor. Therefore such a copy is possible through this static method
| Name | Type | Def | |---|---|---| vector | Vector | The Vector to copy from |
@Return a new vector, which has the same components as vector.
getter .length
Returns the length of the vector, computed as Math.sqrt(xx + yy + z*z +...)
// example
let vec = new Vector2(10,20);
console.log(vec.length); // expected output 22,36067977...
vec.x = 2;
vec.y = 4;
console.log(vec.length); // expected output 4,472135954...
Updates the value of the vector's components. Same behavious than constructor. If one of the components is set to null or undefined, it won't be updated.
| Name | Type | Def | |---|---|---| |...component | ...number | The new components of the vector |
// example
let vec = new Vector(12,11,5);
// updating all the components
console.log(vec.components); // expected: [-2, 4, 7]
// updating only Y
console.log(vec.components); // expected [-2, 18, 7]
Returns a copy a this vector. Required if modifying the Vector has to be avoided.
.apply(func: Function)
Applies a function func to all the components of this vector.
| Name | Type | Def | |---|---|---| |func | Function | The function that will be applied to this vector. Does sending arguments to that function is not possible |
// example
let vec = new Vector(10,50);
vec.apply(x => x/10);
console.log(vec.components); // expected ouput [1; 5]
@Return Vector: this vector, can be used to chain operations
.add(...components: ...number)
Adds the components in parameter to the components of the vector
| Name | Type | Def | |---|---|---| |...components | ...number | The components that will be added to their corresponding component |
// example
let vec = new Vector(12,11,10);
console.log(vec.components); // expected output [16, 11, 12]
@Return Vector: this vector, can be used to chain operations
.addVector(vector: Vector)
Adds the @param vector to this vector.
| Name | Type | Def | |---|---|---| |vector | Vector | vector to be added to this vector, needs to have at least the same number of dimensions |
// example
let vec = new Vector(12,11,10),
vec2 = new Vector2(4,0,2);
console.log(vec.components); // expected output [16, 11, 12]
@Return Vector: this vector, can be used to chain operations
.addScalar(scalar: number)
Adds the @param scalar number to all the components of this vector.
| Name | Type | Def | |---|---|---| |scalar | number | the scalar number that will be added to all the components |
// example
let vec = new Vector(10,11,12);
console.log(vec.components); // expected output: [15, 16, 17]
@Return Vector: this vector, can be used to chain operations
.substract(...components: ...number)
Substracts the components in parameter to the components of the vector
| Name | Type | Def | |---|---|---| |...components | ...number | the components that will be substracted to the corresponding components of this vector |
// example
let vec = new Vector(12,11,10);
console.log(vec.components); // expected output [8, 11, 8]
@Return Vector: this vector, can be used to chain operations
.substractVector(vector: Vector)
Substract the @param vector to this vector.
| Name | Type | Def | |---|---|---| |vector | Vector | vector to be substracted to this vector, needs to have at least the same number of dimensions |
// example
let vec = new Vector(12,11,10),
vec2 = new Vector2(4,0,2);
console.log(vec.components); // expected output [8, 11, 8]
@Return Vector: this vector, can be used to chain operations
.substractScalar(scalar: number)
Substracts the @param scalar number to all the components of this vector.
| Name | Type | Def | |---|---|---| |scalar | number | the scalar number that will be substracted to all the components |
// example
let vec = new Vector(10,11,12);
console.log(vec.components); // expected output: [5, 6, 7]
@Return Vector: this vector, can be used to chain operations
.multiply(...components: ...number)
Multiplies the components in parameter to the components of the vector
| Name | Type | Def | |---|---|---| |...components | ...number | the components that will be multiplied with the corresponding components of this vector |
// example
let vec = new Vector(12,11,10);
console.log(vec.components); // expected output [48, 0, 20]
@Return Vector: this vector, can be used to chain operations
.multiplyVector(vector: Vector)
Multiplies the components of @param vector with the components of this vector, 1 to 1.
| Name | Type | Def | |---|---|---| |vector | Vector | vector to be multiplied with this vector, needs to have at least the same number of dimensions |
// example
let vec = new Vector(12,11,10),
vec2 = new Vector2(4,0,2);
console.log(vec.components); // expected output [48, 0, 20]
@Return Vector: this vector, can be used to chain operations
.multiplyScalar(scalar: number)
Mutiplies the components of this vector with the @param scalar number.
| Name | Type | Def | |---|---|---| |scalar | number | the scalar number that will be multiplied with all the components |
// example
let vec = new Vector(10,11,12);
console.log(vec.components); // expected output: [50, 55, 60]
@Return Vector: this vector, can be used to chain operations
.divide(...components: ...number)
Divides the components of this vector by the components in argument
| Name | Type | Def | |---|---|---| |...components | ...number | the components that will be divided to the corresponding components of this vector |
// example
let vec = new Vector(12,11,10);
console.log(vec.components); // expected output [3, 11, 2]
@Return Vector: this vector, can be used to chain operations
.divideVector(vector: Vector)
Divides the components of this vector by the corresponding components of @param vector
| Name | Type | Def | |---|---|---| |vector | Vector | vector to be divided to this vector, needs to have at least the same number of dimensions |
// example
let vec = new Vector(12,11,10),
vec2 = new Vector2(4,1,2);
console.log(vec.components); // expected output [3, 11, 2]
@Return Vector: this vector, can be used to chain operations
.divideScalar(scalar: number)
Divides the components of this vector by the @param scalar number.
| Name | Type | Def | |---|---|---| |scalar | number | the scalar number that will be divided to all the components |
// example
let vec = new Vector(10,11,12);
console.log(vec.components); // expected output: [5, 5.5, 6]
@Return Vector: this vector, can be used to chain operations
.dot(vector: Vector)
Returns the dot product between this vector and the @param vector.
| Name | Type | Def | |---|---|---| |vector | number | the vector to compute dot product with |
// example
let u = new Vector(12,5,8),
v = new Vector(-1,0,4),
dotProd = u.dot(v); // expected value: 20
@Return number
.cross(vector: Vector)
Returns the cross product between this vector and the @param vector.
| Name | Type | Def | |---|---|---| |vector | number | the vector to compute cross product with. Needs to have the same number of dimensions that this vector |
// example
let u = new Vector(4,3,-2),
v = new Vector(12,7,0);
let w = u.cross(v);
console.log(w.components); // expected value: [14; -24; -8]
@Return Vector: a new Vector, cross product of this and vector
Normalize the components of the vector so its length is equal to 1
// example
let vec3 = new Vector3(10,20,30);
console.log(vec3.length); // expected ouput: [10, 20, 30] 37.416573867739416
console.log(vec3.components, vec3.length); // [0.2672612419124244, 0.5345224838248488, 0.8017837257372731] 0.9999999999999999
.equals(vector: Vector)
Tests if this vector and @param vector have the same number of dimensions and equal components.
| Name | Type | Def | |---|---|---| |vector | number | the vector to to test this with|
// example
let vec = new Vector(10,20,30),
vec2 = new Vector(10,11);
console.log(vec.equals(vec2)); // expected output: false
let vec_ = new Vector(10,20,30),
vec2_ = new Vector(10,20,31);
console.log(vec_.equals(vec2_)); // expected output: false
let vec__ = new Vector(10,20,30),
vec2__ = new Vector(10,20,30);
console.log(vec__.equals(vec2__)); // expected ouput: true