Credenza Passport
Credenza3 Passport
with npm
npm install @credenza3/passport-evm
with yarn
yarn add @credenza3/passport-evm
with pnpm
pnpm install @credenza3/passport-evm
or include a script tag
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@credenza3/passport-evm/dist/passport.umd.js"></script>
const Passport = window.CredenzaPassport
or with esm
<script type="module">
import {Passport} from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@credenza3/passport-evm/+esm'
Create the Passport instance
const passport = new Passport({
chainId: Passport.chains.POLYGON_AMOY,
config: {
erc20Contract?: { // can be used for alternative erc20 tokens (instead of CRED)
address: "",
decimals: 6,
buyTokens?: true,
transferTokens?: {
nativeCurrency?: boolean // set false if you want to allow only CRED transfer on SendTokens page
auth?: {
extendedRegistration: false,
credentials?: false
google?: true
ticketmaster?: false
email?: false
phone?: false
metamask?: true
nav?: {
theme?: Passport.themes.BLACK,
direction?: Passport.navDirections.BOTTOM,
email?: {
templateId?: string // For custom email template usage
content?: {
cloak?: boolean
// depends on `cloak: true`
payPerArticle?: [
nfts: [{address: 'contract-address-1', tokens:['token-id-1', 'token-id-2'], type: 'ERC1155' | 'ERC721'}],
memberships: [{address: 'contract-address-1', owner: 'owner-address-1'}],
uriMasks: ['part-of-the-article-uri'] // [''] for all uris,
primaryAction: { text: 'buy nft', contractAddress: '', tokenId?: 'tokenid', typeId?: 'typeId' },
secondaryAction: { text: 'get sub', link: '', openInNewTab: true }
imageUrl?: 'https://yoursite.com/image.png', // Replaces default `Standford Socker` image
signin: {
title: "Your title!", // Replaces default ``
description: "Your description.", // Replaces default ``
signup: {
title: "Your title!", // Replaces default ``
description: "Your description.", // Replaces default ``
logout: {
title: "Your title!", // Replaces default ``
description: "Your description!", // Replaces default ``
paymentResult?: {
title?: "Your title!", // Replaces default `Success!`
subtitle?: "Your subtitle!", // Replaces default `Your payment was successful!`
description?: "Your description!", // Replaces default `Usually it takes us as many as a few minutes to deliver tokens to your account.`
progressVideos?: [{
embedded: true,
src: 'https://www.youtube.com/embed/tgbNymZ7vqY',
}, {
src: 'https://media.w3.org/2010/05/sintel/trailer.mp4'
await passport.init()
Passport instance Properties
: boolean
: string
: Ethers.js https://docs.ethers.io/v5/
: User instance
Passport static properties
(string) Current package version
(enum) Supported chains
= (enum) Available pages for logged in User
= (enum) Available payment types
= (enum) Available color schemas
= (enum) Available directions where passport nav bar will expand when opened
= (enum) Available minimization toggler positions
= (enum) Available events for passport.on()
Passport can be used in 3 modes:
Apple Pay
You must verify your domain. https://support.stripe.com/questions/enable-apple-pay-on-your-stripe-account Enabled by default on all supported devices and registered domains.
Google Pay
Is enabled on all supported devices by default
Code mode
Login with credentials
await passport.login(
provider: "OAUTH" | "METAMASK",
opts: {
oauthType?: "credentials" | "google" | "passwordless" | "ticketmaster",
forceEmail?: string,
forcePhone?: string,
passwordlessType?: "EMAIL" | "PHONE",
// Do not provide is 'signUp' param if you want passport to try detect automatically.
Login with JWT
await passport.jwtLogin(
opts: { validatorId: string, idToken?: string, accessToken?: string }
await passport.logout()
Switch chain
await passport.switchChain({chainId: string}):Promise<void> // any of Passport.chains
Get ethers provider
await passport.getWeb3Provider():Promise<EthersRPCProvider> // returns Ethers provider
Get current session address
await passport.getAddress():Promise<string | null>
Check membership
await passport.checkMembership(ownerAddress:string, membershipAddress?: string):Promise<{isMember:boolean, meta: unknown}>
Get current user roles
await passport.getRoles():Promise<(Admin | Superadmin | User)[]>
Get current user NFTs
await passport.getNfts():Promise<({
amount: number
contract_type: string // e.g. "ERC721"
name: string
symbol: string
token_address: string
token_id: string
token_uri: string
Get CRED Contract
await passport.getCREDContract():Promise<({
address: string
decimals: number
contract: ethers.Contract
Send CRED Stored Value
Do not pass contract if you transfer the native network tokens.
await passport.sendTokens(opts: {
address: string,
amount: string | bigint,
contract?: ethers.Contract
}): Promise<{ hash?: string; wait?: () => Promise<void> }>;
Send Credenza NFT
await passport.sendNft({ contract, recipient, tokenId, amount }: {
contract: ethers.Contract,
recipient: string,
tokenId: string,
amount: number
Request AirDrop
await passport.requestAirDrop({ contractAddress, tokenId, amount, targetAddress }: {
targetAddress: string
contractAddress: string
tokenId?: string | number // tokenId can be skipped if we need to airdrop erc721
amount?: number // if amount is skipped - default is 1
Request Loyalty Points
await passport.requestLoyaltyPoints(eventId: string, contractAddress: string):Promise<void>
Confirm email / phone number
await passport.confirmAccount({phoneCode?:number, emailCode?:number}):Promise<boolean>
Navigation mode
Show navigation panel
await passport.showNavigation({
bottom?: "5px",
right?: "5px",
left?: "inherit",
top?: "inherit",
}, {
minimization?: {
enabled?: boolean, // false
toggler?: {
enabled?: boolean, // false
position?: Passport.navMinimizationTogglerPositions.(LEFT | RIGHT), // left
}); // Bottom right corner
Hide navigation panel
Passport UI mode
Open UI (Use one of Credenza.pages.PROFILE
, Credenza.pages.PASSPORT_ID
await passport.openUI() // defaults to Credenza.pages.PROFILE
Close UI
Open Passport alert
type?: 'success' | 'warning' | 'failure' | 'info', // defaults to info
duration?: number // if -1 - then there is no timer and it stays untill dismissed,
centered?: {
enabled?: boolean,
position?: 'top' | 'bottom' // can be used only for centered block
Open Passport rich alert
passport.openUI(Passport.pages.RICH_ALERT, {
richAlertData: {
title?: string,
description?: string,
actions?: [{
text: string;
link?: string;
onClick?: (...args: unknown[]) => unknown;
Perform NFT or Membership payment
await passport.openUI(Passport.pages.PAYMENT, {
title: string,
subtitle: string,
payments?: {
credenzaStoredValue?: {
disabled?: boolean //default - false
stripe?: {
disabled?: boolean // default - false
tokens: [{
contractAddress: string, // contract address
tokenId: string,
amount?: number // amount of tokens
memberships: [
contractAddress: string, // contract address
typeId?: string // If typeId === "0", API will treat it as a simple memberships purchase. If typeId > "0", ex. "1", "2", API will look for club memberships purchase.
email?: {
templateId?: string // For custom email template usage
Destroy passport
Events (Most likely for Navigation and UI modes)
Listen for event
const unsubscribe = passport.on(Passport.events[eventName], (data) => {
Listen for event(Triggers once)
const unsubscribe = passport.once(Passport.events[eventName], (data) => {
Supported query params
Prepopulates email address on login / signup form.
// ?credenza_user_email=encodeURIComponent([email protected])
Passport is not build for the Server Side Rendering, but you still can make it work with the SSR app. Make sure you disable SSR for passport specific component or you can dynamically import passport after it's mounted e.g.
// svelte
onMount(() => {
const {Passport} = (await import('@credenza3/passport-evm'))