Concise REST API Maker - An extension library for express to create REST APIs faster
Cream - A Library For Semi-Declarative REST API Creation
Cream stands for Concise REST API Maker and it is a ExpressJS extension mainly targeting TypeScript builds. It wasn't tested on plain JS.
If express is not installed:
npm install express @types/express @creamapi/cream
If you've already installed expreess:
npm install @creamapi/cream
Note: These examples use TypeScript, in order to follow them please setup a TS project.
To create your own API with Cream it is easy! You just need to setup a few things then you can play with it with ease.
For full API documentation follow this link: Cream API Documentation.
First Steps
As a first step it is required to create an ExpressApplication like this:
File: index.ts
import "express" from express;
import { ExpressApplication } from "@creamapi/cream";
class MyCustomApplication extends ExpressApplication {
public constructor() {
let expressApp = express();
here you can use any express middleware like cors, json, bodyParser
// We want our service to listen to port 4040
super(expressApp, 4040);
let myCustApp = new MyCustomApplication();
If we try to run it we will see
Listening on 4040
But our API like this is useless, we need a controller to handle the requests!
Let's create a controller that when visiting http://localhost:4040/hello-world returns Hello, World!
on the screen.
File: HelloController.ts
import { ExpressController, Get } from '@creamapi/cream';
export class HelloController extends ExpressModule {
public helloPrinter(): string {
return 'Hello, World!';
and back in index.ts
import "express" from express;
import { ExpressApplication } from "@creamapi/cream";
import { HelloController } from "./HelloController";
class MyCustomApplication extends ExpressApplication {
public constructor() {
let expressApp = express();
here you can use any express middleware like cors, json, bodyParser, morgan, etc.
// We want our service to listen to port 4040
super(expressApp, 4040);
// now we can add our controller here
this.addController(new HelloController());
let myCustApp = new MyCustomApplication();
Now if we go to https://localhost:4040/hello-world we will see
Hello, World!
written in our browser!
Handling complex objects
Sending a string to the browser is cool, but REST APIs are more complex than this.
They can receive data as a request and give a complex response, like a JSON text.
Handling data coming from the client
Let's reuse the last example, but this time we want to get a string from the client and write it on the screen. For this example, to keep it simple, we will use a Get request again, but this time we will use a UrlParameter to retrive the data.
What does it mean? It means that when the user makes a request to http://localhost:4040/hello-world/<data> we want to get the value of <data> and write it back to the user.
Since Cream uses ExpressJS as the base library we have to stick to their language, this means that our endpoint will be defined like this: https://localhost:4040/hello-world/:userString
. Now let's implement it in Cream:
File: HelloController.ts
import { ExpressController, Get } from '@creamapi/cream';
export class HelloController extends ExpressModule {
public helloPrinter(@UrlParameter('userData') userData: string): string {
return userData;
Now if we try to go to http://localhost:4040/hello-world/my%20hello we will see
my hello
written in our browser!
Returning complex objects
Now we want to return a json object containing both our string and its length. To do so we must create a custom class that contains such data and tell cream that we want to serialize it to JSON. We can do it like this:
File: HelloView.ts
import {
} from '@creamapi/cream';
class HelloView {
get stringLength(): number {
return this.stringData.length;
public stringData: string;
@Transform((data: number) => data.toString(2))
dataNum: number = 2;
otherData: number;
constructor(userString) {
this.stringData = stringData;
Here we can see that we tell cream that HelloView is serializable by a JSON serializer, the return content type is application/json and that the http return code is 200.
We also see AutoMap and MapTo, these two decorators are used to declare which fields are serialized.
Non-decorated fields, like otherData, are not serialized by default.
This behaviov is helpful to prevent unwanted dataleaks. With a serialize all by default behavior a secure field can be leaked, for example the user's password.
The difference between MapTo and AutoMap is that MapTo allows us to specify the name of the field whilst AutoMap will take the name of the decorated attribute.
We can see that we can also serialize getters. This allows us to compute dynamically stuff when the object is serializable. Also, this
correctly points to the correct object.
It is also possible for us to transform data before it being serialized!
Transform will not affect the transformed data
Multiple transforms can be applied, just know that they are applied in a bottom-up approach
Now we want to use our custom data. As before let's reuse the last example as a base:
import { ExpressController, Get } from '@creamapi/cream';
import { HelloView } from './HelloView';
export class HelloController extends ExpressModule {
public helloPrinter(@UrlParameter('userData') userData: string): HelloView {
return new HelloView(userData);
Now if we go again to http://localhost:4040/hello-world/my%20hello we will not see
my hello
written in our browser, but we will see a JSON object like this:
"stringLength": 8,
"userData": "my hello",
"binaryNum": "10"
To expand our REST API we also need to receive more complex data from the user, but this topic, how to handle different HTTP requests, is covered in the ~~User Guide~~ user guide that still has to be written, for now refer only to the Documentation.
Comparing it with Express
Let's start from a easy task: return an array of tokens given a string separated by a empty space (only space, tabs and new lines not included)
An example: given the string "Hello, World! "
we have the following result
["Hello,", "World", "", ""]
In ExpressJS it is easily done (for simplicity lets use a GET request) like this
import "express" from express;
let app = express();
app.get("/tokenize/:data", (res, req)=>{
req.send(res.params.data.split(" "));
With Cream it would look more like this
import express from 'express';
import {
} from '@creamapi/cream';
class MyController extends ExpressModule {
async splitString(
@UrlParameter('data') data: string
): Promise<JSONSerializableArray<string>> {
if (data.length == 0) {
throw new RestError('Data is of length 0', 400);
// any other error will be treated as a 500 Internal Server Error
return new JSONSerializableArray(data.split(' '));
class MyApp extends ExpressApplication {
constructor() {
let app = express();
super(app, 4040);
let myInstance = new MyApp();
myInstance.addController(new MyController());
Albeit looking complicated for this simple example, in case of larger projects the benefit is clearly visible. The classes define the structure of the API! It is also made such that if the method stripString is called normally like
let myController = new MyController();
console.log(myController.splitString('Hello, World'));
// the output will be
['Hello,', 'World'];
This allows for testing the controllers before plugging them in the REST API.
Bug Hunter
Special thanks
Special thanks to Domenico Popolizio for tolerating me with this project and for all the suggestions.
You want to keep this project up, but don't know how to collaborate?
No worries! If you can and if you wish you can tip me a small amount :)
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