Clear Web OOP for Generation WebComponents
Craft-UIKit is a JavaScript UI library for Clear Web OOP.
Try online tutorial:
The most core element of Craft-UIKit is representedy by the base class Craft.Core.Component
This wraps shadow host, shadow root, tree under the shadow, styles for them and its actions.
Instance of Component is identified by componentId
By default, this is automatically generated by its packagename
defined as its class variable, with appending sequencial number to be able to identify in the global scope.
If it is not defined, just used its class name for it.
The component instance is a JavaScript object.
So, you can access to the instance via its componentId
from anywhere you want.
For example, your class has packagename MyApp.Hello
Your componentId will be something like MyApp_Hello_0
> var hello_world = new HelloWorld();
> hello_world.loadView();
> document.body.appendChild(hello_world.view);
> MyApp_HelloWorld_0
HelloWorld {packagename: "MyApp.HelloWorld", componentId: "MyApp_HelloWorld_0", view: div#MyApp_HelloWorld_0, css: Array(1), …}
> MyApp_HelloWorld_0.view
<div id="MyApp_HelloWorld_0">...</div>
> MyApp_HelloWorld_0.shadow
#shadow-root (open)
> MyApp_HelloWorld_0.root
<div class="root">...</div>
> MyApp_HelloWorld_0.css
> MyApp_HelloWorld_0.say()
(say() is invoked -> show "Hello World!" in the page)
※ Dot(.
) is converted to underscore(_
※ componentId has suffix of auto generated serial number.
View and ViewController
The Component is concretized by View(Craft.UI.View
) and ViewController(Craft.UI.DefaultViewController
Both are sub-class of Craft.Core.Component
View is an element packing its template, style and action.
ViewController is also a kind of View having some View elements in it, and manages them.
Your application may also have special ViewController called RootViewController(Craft.UI.DefaultRootViewController
This is a root element of your application,
and should be set by Craft.Core.Context.setRootViewController
at the start of your application.
In Craft-UIKit application, the RootViewController should also manage popstate event and history by implementing appropriate interface.
Let's see a Hello World example:
class HelloWorld extends Craft.UI.DefaultViewController {
this.packagename = 'MyApp.HelloWorld';
this.hello = new Hello();
this.world = new World();
if(callback){ callback(); }
return `
:host { width: 100%; }
.root { display flex; flex-direction: row; }
return `
<div class='root'></div>
class Msg extends Craft.UI.InlineBlockView {
return `
.root { margin: 10px; }
.msg { color: blue; }
return `
<div class='root'>
<span class='msg'>${this.msg}<\span>
class Hello extends Msg {
this.packagename = 'MyApp.Hello';
this.msg = 'Hello';
class World extends Msg {
this.packagename = 'MyApp.World';
this.msg = 'World!';
return super.style(componentId) + `
.msg { color: red; }
Template and Style
Component has a DOM tree in this.root
. This is based on template()
must return a HTML expression that starting with a single element.
The returning HTML is evalutated as HTML template,
and converted to a DOM fragment by Craft.Core.Component.renderView.
Its first element is used for this.root.
When you define id
and class
for the root element, you have to name it as 'root'.
This will simplify to cascade style-sheet of super class.
return `
<div id='root' class='root'>
<span>Hello world!</span>
Also BAD:
<!-- hello message: this is also a DOM -->
<span>Hello world!</span>
Component also has shadowed style tags in this.css.
This is defined by style()
method and it should return usual style sheet expression.
You can access host element this.view by :host
pseudo class name.
To cascade super class style, just append yours on it.
return super.style() + `
.msg { color: red; }
First argument for template()
and style()
is its componentId (same as this.componentId).
In style
method, you may not use it, but sometimes it may be required to cascade styles from your super class.
In template
method, it is used for accessing its method.
Component Method
To call instance method from its template, all you have to do is just call it via ${componentId}
class Wow extends Craft.UI.View {
alert(`oh ${msg}`);
return `
<div onclick='${componentId}.say("wow")'>Say wow</div>
Traditional JavaScript programmer may like self
instead of componentId
class Wow extends Craft.UI.View {
alert(`oh ${msg}`);
return `
<div onclick='${self}.say("wow")'>Say wow</div>
Indeed, this is not default behaviour.
As can be seen above, window[componentId]
holds its instacne.
This is enabled by setting Craft.Core.Defaults.ALLOW_COMPONENT_SHORTCUT
to true
You may set this at the begenning of you app.
You can select this behavior, but you may love to use this shortcut.
Without this shourcut, you can call instance method like following:
Additionaly, if you know comopnentId for another instance, you can call any method via it, like as global shared function.
Public library developer shoud write its template by verbose mode using fully quolifiied component access, to be able to run without shourcut.
Component Lifecycle
Component lifecycle is just a contract with you. If you write your own ViewController, you have to honor those definition to keep your life safe, like as Craft.Core.Component, Craft.UI.View and Craft.UI.DefaultViewController are doing so. In other words, while you extends those classes and keep this way, lifecycle is guaranteed.
| lifecycle method | what is | |:------------------|:---------| | loadView | make this.view and this.css | | viewDidLoad | Called at the end of loadView | | viewWillAppear | Called just before appending this.view to the parent | | viewDidAppear | Called just after this.view appended to the parent | | viewWillDisappear | Called just before removing this.view from its parent | | viewDidDisappear | Called just after this.view removed from its parent | | unloadView | remove view and css |
Related method:
| method | what is | |:--------------|:-----------| | appendSubView | append sub-component view | | removeSubView | remove sub-component view | | removeFromParent | remove component view from parent |
Routing and RootViewController
In Craft-UIKit application, RootViewController has responsibility for routing.
At the time booting application via Craft.Core.Bootstrap
listener for popstate
is registered against RootViewController.didReceivePopstate
The recieved PopState event is passed for Router.
Default router is Craft.Core.HashRouter
, using '#' for routing component.
You can define your original router in your application config object like described in the next section. Craft-UIKit provides both HashRouter for '#' and PathRouter for '/'. The former is default.
Router parses the PopState event and window.location, then pass it to resolveRoutingRequest
You have to implement your own routing logic in it. Or you have to override DefaultRootViewController.didReceivePopstate
as you like.
class PageController extends Craft.UI.DefaultRootViewController {
case 'page1':
this.open({ page:new Page1() });
case 'page2':
this.open({ page:new Page2() });
this.open({ page:new NotFound() });
Booting application
Application entry point is Craft.Core.Bootstrap.boot
You must kick this function when window.onload
function requires an object containing a function named as didBootApplication
This is your application entry point.
To start routing at booting time, you have to call didReceivePopstate
of your RootViewController.
For convenience, this is implemented as DefaultRootViewController.bringup
window.onload = function(){
Craft.Core.Defaults.ALLOW_COMPONENT_SHORTCUT = true;
router : Craft.Core.PathRouter,
didBootApplication : function(){
const rootViewController = new PageController();