Web scraper on top of PhantomJS or Chromium
Web Scraper
Web scraper on top of PhantomJS or Chromium.
If you chose to use PhantomJS, the module is designed as a connection client/server between the PhantomJS web scraper server and a client acting like a driver and sending scraping HTTP requests to the server.
Chromium is different because it is driven directly from NodeJS.
npm install @coya/web-scraper
Build (for dev)
git clone https://github.com/Cooya/WebScraper
cd WebScraper
npm install // it will also install the development dependencies
npm install phantomjs -g // if you need PhantomJS, install it globally
npm run build
npm run example // run the example script in "examples" folder
Usage examples
The package allows to inject JS function :
const { ChromiumScraper } = require('@coya/web-scraper');
// if you want to use PhantomJS instead of Chromium
// const { PhantomScraper } = require('@coya/web-scraper');
const scraper = ChromiumScraper.getInstance();
const getLinks = function() { // return all links from the requested page
return $('a').map(function(i, elt) {
return $(elt).attr('href');
url: 'cooya.fr',
fct: getLinks // function injected in the page environment
.then(function(result) {
console.log(result); // returned value of the injected function
scraper.close(); // end the client/server connection and kill the web scraper subprocess
}, function(error) {
Or to inject JS function from an external script :
const { ChromiumScraper } = require('@coya/web-scraper');
// if you want to use PhantomJS instead of Chromium
// const { PhantomScraper } = require('@coya/web-scraper');
const scraper = ChromiumScraper.getInstance();
url: 'cooya.fr',
fct: __dirname + '/externalScript.js', // external script exporting the function to be injected
.then(function(result) {
console.log(result); // returned value of the injected function
scraper.close(); // end the client/server connection and kill the web scraper subprocess
}, function(error) {
externalScript.js :
module.exports = function() { // return all links from the requested page
return $('a').map(function(i, elt) {
return $(elt).attr('href');
The ScraperClient object is a singleton, only one client can be created, so this method is required to get the client instance.
Send a request to a specific url and inject JavaScript into the page associated. Return a promise with the result in parameter.
Parameter | Type | Description | Default value -------- | --- | --- | --- params | object | see below for details about this | none
Terminate the PhantomJS web scraper process that will allow to end the current NodeJS script properly.
Request parameters spec
Parameter | Type | Description | Required -------- | --- | --- | --- url | string | target url | yes fct | function | JS function to inject into the page | yes fct | string | path to script path and function to inject separated by hash key (e.g. "path/to/script/script.js#functionToCall") | yes referer | string | referer header parameter set in each request | optional args | object | object passed to the injected function | optional debug | boolean | enable the debug mode (verbose) | optional