CoW Swap Widget Library. Allows you to easily embed a CoW Swap widget on your website.
CoW Swap Widget Library
Integrate the power of CowSwap
into your product!
With the widget, you can create an incredible trading interface. Specify the required pair of currencies, customize the
look and much more!
Live example
See the widget in action in the widget configurator
You can find a detailed description of all widget parameters in the documentation
Quick start
npm install @cowprotocol/widget-lib --save
yarn add @cowprotocol/widget-lib
Create a container somewhere in your website, the widget will be rendered inside it:
<div id="cowswap-widget"></div>
Import the widget and initialise it:
import { createCowSwapWidget, CowSwapWidgetParams } from '@cowprotocol/widget-lib'
// Initialise the widget
const widgetContainer = document.getElementById('cowswap-widget')
// instantiate your own web3 provider
const provider = window.ethereum
const params: CowSwapWidgetParams = {
appCode: 'NAME-OF-YOU-APP', // Add here the name of your app. e.g. "Pig Swap"
sell: { asset: 'DAI' },
buy: { asset: 'USDC', amount: '0.1' },
const {updateParams} = createCowSwapWidget(
// Optionally, you can provide some additional params to customise your widget
{params, provider}
// You also can change widget configuration on the fly
updateParams({ ...params, tradeType: 'limit' })
nx test widget-lib
Build the library
nx build widget-lib