Package providing Covquestion services.
Covquestions Questionaire Logic
This package (covquestions-js
) provides models, state handling and evaluation logic for a questionaire.
An API client for accessing the covquestions API will be included in the future.
Basic example:
import { QuestionnaireEngine } from 'covquestions-js';
// currentQuestionaire is simply a JSON-parsed questionaire file, as Javascript Object.
const engine = new QuestionnaireEngine(currentQuestionnaire);
// Until the questionaire is finished, get the next question and set the answer:
const nextQuestion = engine.nextQuestion();
questionnaireEngine.setAnswer(currentQuestion!.id, value);
// Display the progress
const progress = engine.getProgress(); // number between 0 and 1
// If nextQuestion is undefined, the questionaire is finished. Get and show results.
For a usage example with react, please refer to our questionarie reference implementation. You can find the documentation here
Usage during active development
In the typescript project, where the package is to be used, execute npm link ../path/to/covquestions-js/dist
This will link against the uncompiled typescript files, updates will be propagated without building. It will only work with a typescript loader.
If you seek to create a production build you will either need to install the built module, or build the module and link the dist folder containing the build output.