a starter library for javascript
requiring the library
const js_starter = require("@costantino03/javascript-starter-library")
what does jsonparse do?
it parses a json object from a stringed json object into a json object
var object = '{"name":"Test","City":"New York"}'
var result = js_starter.jsonparse(object)
//result :
{"name":"Test","City"."New York"}
what does jsonreadable do?
it takes an stringed/not stringed json object and it puts in a readable format
var object = {"name":"Test","City":"New York"}
var result = js_starter.jsonreadable(object,spaces)
"name": "Test",
"City": "New York"
the spaces argument is optional and the default value is 3
and you can pass even pass the stringed version of a json object and
it will parse it and make it readable
what does char_replacement_m do?
it takes a string and replaces all occurrences of a specific character
var string = "Hello-World"
var result = js_starter.char_replacement_m(string,"-"," ")
console.log("Before: "+string)
console.log(" ")
console.log("After: "+result)
Terminal output:
Hello World
what does getdsrole do?
first thing this function runs with discord.js 12.2.0
you pass the current discord.js instance(after the login)
returns the id of the specified role name
var role_name = "Admin"
var role_id = js_starter.getdsrole(discord-js_instance,role_name)
what does number_gen1 do?
it takes a a maximum value and it goes from 1 to the specified number
var result = js_starter.number_gen1(5)
what does number_gen2 do?
it takes a a maximum and minium value and it goes from minium specified number to the maximum specified number
var result = js_starter.number_gen2(5,10)
what does n_formatter do?
it takes a number and add commas to the number
var formatted = js_starter.n_format(1500)
terminal output:
what does calc_percent do?
it takes 2 values, a current and a target and it calculates the percentage you are at
var percentage = js_starter.calc_percent(50,100)
terminal output:
what does calc_percent_left do?
it takes 2 values, a current and a target and it calculates the percentage remaining to reach the target
var percentage = js_starter.calc_percent_left(50,150)
terminal output: