A helper package with utilities to interact with the Cosmos Extension for MetaMask.
Provider Library for Cosmos Extension for Metamask
Snapper is a utility library for interacting with the official Cosmos Extension for Metamask.
Global Provider (Drop In Replacement for window.keplr)
Add the provider as a global object within your dApp.
import { CosmosSnap } from "@cosmsnap/snapper";
window.cosmos = new CosmosSnap();
const memo = "Hello from Metamask!";
let offlineSigner = await window.cosmos.getOfflineSigner("cosmoshub-4");
let wallet = await window.cosmos.getAccount("cosmoshub-4");
// Create a send token message
const msg = {
typeUrl: "/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend",
value: {
fromAddress: wallet.address,
toAddress: "cosmos123456789",
amount: [
denom: "uatom",
amount: "10000",
// Create fee
const fee = {
amount: [],
gas: "200000",
const signingClient = await SigningStargateClient.connectWithSigner(
const result = await signingClient.sign(wallet.address, [msg], fee, memo);
Use in development mode.
You must run the snap locally for this to run properly.
Structure of the provider.
export interface SnapProvider {
experimentalSuggestChain(chainInfo: ChainInfo): Promise<void>;
chainId: string,
signer: string,
signDoc: StdSignDoc,
): Promise<AminoSignResponse>;
chainId: string,
signer: string,
signDoc: {
/** SignDoc bodyBytes */
bodyBytes?: Uint8Array | null;
/** SignDoc authInfoBytes */
authInfoBytes?: Uint8Array | null;
/** SignDoc chainId */
chainId?: string | null;
/** SignDoc accountNumber */
accountNumber?: Long | null;
): Promise<DirectSignResponse>;
chainId: string,
tx: Uint8Array,
): Promise<DeliverTxResponse>;
getOfflineSigner(chainId: string): Promise<OfflineAminoSigner & OfflineDirectSigner>;
enabled(): Promise<boolean>;
install(): Promise<void>;
getChains(): Promise<Chain[]>;
deleteChain(chain_id: string): Promise<void>;
signAndBroadcast(chain_id: string, msgs: Msg[], fees: Fees): Promise<DeliverTxResponse>;
sign(chain_id: string, msgs: Msg[], fees: Fees): Promise<Int8Array>;
addAddressToBook(chain_id: string, address: string, name: string): Promise<void>;
getAddressBook(): Promise<Address[]>;
deleteAddressFromBook(address: string): Promise<void>;
getBech32Addresses(): Promise<CosmosAddress[]>;
getBech32Address(chain_id: string): Promise<CosmosAddress>;
getAccount(chain_id: string): Promise<AccountData>;
changeSnapId(snap_id: string): void;
Direct Interaction Functions
You can interact with the snap directly to with these functions although we highly suggest using the provider through the window as it is a drop in replacement for other Cosmos wallets.
Check If Installed
import { isSnapInstalled } from '@cosmsnap/snapper';
let result: boolean = await isSnapInstalled();
Check If Initialized
import { isSnapInitialized } from '@cosmsnap/snapper';
let result: boolean = await isSnapInitialized();
Install The Cosmos Extension.
import { installSnap } from '@cosmsnap/snapper';
await installSnap();
Suggest Chain.
Use the format like here in the chain registry. The more info the better.
import { suggestChain } from '@cosmsnap/snapper';
let chain: Chain = {};
await suggestChain(chain);
Get Chains.
Gets all the chains that are in state within the snap.
import { getChains } from '@cosmsnap/snapper';
let chains: []Chain = await getChains();
Delete Chain.
Delete a chain from wallet state.
import { deleteChain } from '@cosmsnap/snapper';
await deleteChain("cosmoshub-4");
Sign & Broadcast.
Sign and broadcast a transaction. Note, you can use our production grade infrastructure (RPCs) to broadcast transactions using this function.
import { signAndBroadcast } from '@cosmsnap/snapper';
import { DeliverTxResponse } from "@cosmjs/stargate";
const msgs = [
typeUrl: "/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend",
value: {
fromAddress: senderAddress,
toAddress: recipientAddress,
amount: [{
denom: "uatom",
amount: "500000"
const fees = {
amount: [{
denom: "uatom",
amount: "500"
gas: "200000"
let txResult: DeliverTxResponse = await signAndBroadcast("cosmoshub-4", msgs, fees);
Sign Transaction.
Just sign a transaction and return it. Note, this does not use our production grade infrastructure. You must use your own to broadcast the transaction.
import { sign } from '@cosmsnap/snapper';
import { DeliverTxResponse } from "@cosmjs/stargate";
const msgs = [
typeUrl: "/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend",
value: {
fromAddress: senderAddress,
toAddress: recipientAddress,
amount: [{
denom: "uatom",
amount: "500000"
const fees = {
amount: [{
denom: "uatom",
amount: "500"
gas: "200000"
let txResult: DeliverTxResponse = await sign("cosmoshub-4", msgs, fees);
Add Address to Address Book.
import { addAddressToBook } from '@cosmsnap/snapper';
await addAddressToBook("cosmoshub-4", "cosmos123456789", "John Doe");
Get Address Book
import { getAddressBook } from '@cosmsnap/snapper';
let book: Address[] = await getAddressBook();
Delete Address from Address Book
import { deleteAddressFromBook } from '@cosmsnap/snapper';
await deleteAddressFromBook("cosmos123456789");
Get All Bech32 Addresses
Gets all the Bech32 addresses for all chains in state. Note, this is an expensively heavy operation so use wisely.
import { getBech32Addresses } from '@cosmsnap/snapper';
let allAddresses: CosmosAddress[] = await getBech32Addresses();
Get All Bech32 Addresses
Gets a Bech32 address for a chain.
import { getBech32Addresses } from '@cosmsnap/snapper';
let address: CosmosAddress = await getBech32Address("cosmoshub-4");