Logger adapter for Node.js framework Monkfish
Monkfish Adapter Logger
Logger adapter for Node.js framework Monkfish.
Getting Started
npm install --save @cork-labs/monkfish @cork-labs/monkfish-adapter-logger
Wraps bunyan logger library to facilitate injection, testing and configuration of logs.
See Monkfish for more information.
Logger.createLogger(config, data)
Creates an instance of Logger from configuration.
config: object
- of stream instances (OutBunyan, OutConsole, OutFile).data: object (optional)
- permanent log fields (tip: keep it flat).
Example config:
name: 'my-app',
streams: [
// append to file (does not create directories, will fail if dirs are missings)
type: 'file',
path: './logs/test.log',
options: { ... } // override options for this stream only
type: 'bunyan',
bunyan: { /* Bunyan nativate options */ },
// options: { ... } are ignored in bunyan stream
// for debug purposes only, do not use in production
type: 'console',
// override options for this stream, e.g.: make console more human friendly
options: {
message: true,
prettyJson: 2,
dump: true
// options for all streams
options: {
message: false, // log an extra line with a human readable message before the json payload
prettyJson: 0, // format json payload (multi-line)
dump: false // output error stack traces after payload (multi-line)
new Logger(name, streams): void
Creates an instance of Logger with the pre-configured stream instances.
name: string
- added to the log fields aslog_n
streams: array
- of stream instances (OutBunyan, OutConsole, OutFile).data: object (optional)
- permanent log fields (tip: keep it flat).
logger.child(data): Logger
Returns a new logger, containing all the parent configuration and context, plus the provided optional data.
data: object (optional)
- additional permanent log fields (tip: keep it flat).
logger.set(key, value): void
Adds key/value to permanent fields data or removes key when value not provided.
Avoid adding objects, keep it flat.
key: string
value: any (optional)
- If value not provided (or undefined is provided), removes key from permanent fields.
logger.debug('message', data): void
Logs a debug level message, with adittional optional fields.
logger.info(message, data): void
Logs an info level message, with adittional optional fields.
message: string
- logged aslog_m
.data: object (optional)
- additional fields for this log message only.
logger.warn('message', data): void
Logs an warning level message, with adittional optional fields.
message: string
- logged aslog_m
.data: object (optional)
- additional fields for this log message only.
logger.error('message', data, err): void
Logs an error level message, with adittional optional fields, plus optional error (ideally a subclass of Error).
message: string
- logged aslog_m
.data: object (optional)
- additional fields for this log message only.
If error is a subclass of Error, only the following key/values are added to the log.
err_name: err.constructor.name
err_msg: err.message
err_trace: err.stack
Otherwise, it is directly logged under the err
logger.flat(prefix, obj): object
Flattens the object for logging, use on data objects before you log them to keep them flat.
prefix: string
- e.g.user
.data: object (optional)
- additional fields for this log message only.ret: object (optional)
- if provided, fields are flattened into this object.
// flattening one object
const flatUser = logger.flat('todo', todo);
logger.info('todo.created', data);
// { log_m: 'todo.created', ..., todo_id: ..., todo_title: ... }
// flattening two objects into one
const data = logger.flat('article', article, {});
logger.flat('tag', tag, data)
logger.info('article.tags.created', data);
// { log_m: 'article.tags.created', ..., todo_id: ..., todo_title: ..., tag_id: ..., tag_title: ... }
# lint and fix
npm run lint
# run test suite
npm test
# lint and test
npm run build
# serve test coverage
npm run coverage
# publish a minor version
node_modules/.bin/npm-bump minor
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