Magna is a tree based javascript router, plugin runner and ajax framework
Magna Plugin: GooglePlacesAutocomplete
This plugin will add the functionality for a google places autocomplete to be added to your page.
You do not need to include the google places script in your page as this code will handle loading the api when only the API_KEY
is specified
By default you provide it with the fields, their type and their matching selector in your page and it will fill in the details with what is returned from the google api request.
import Magna from '@coredna/magna'
import GooglePlacesAutocomplete from '@coredna/magna-plugin-google-places-autocomplete'
const app = new Magna([
new GooglePlacesAutocomplete({
selector: '#my-selector',
fields: GooglePlacesAutocomplete.defaultFields,
API_KEY: 'AIzaSyA....',
Install through either npm or yarn
npm install @coredna/magna-plugin-google-places-autocomplete
yarn add @coredna/magna-plugin-google-places-autocomplete
| property | type | default | required | Description |
|--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |
| API_KEY | string | null
| true | Google places API KEY
| country | string | 'US'
| false | Country code, can specify multiple with comma separation 'US,AU'
| fields | object | {}
| false | Object of fields containing key, selector and type see Fields
| onPlaceChanged | Function
| null | false | Run a callback when the address has been retrieved from google, cancel default actions by returning false Extend default fields |
You can set your own fields you can use any of:
| property | type | default | required | Description |
|--- |--- |--- |--- |--- |
| address | object | { selector: '[name="address1"]', type: 'long_name' }
| false | Street address eg. '348 High Street'
| unit | object | { selector: '[name="address2"]', type: 'long_name' }
| false | Unit number "address_line2" eg. 'Unit 1'
| city | object | { selector: '[name="city"]', type: 'long_name' }
| false | Nearest city (suburb) eg. 'Windsor'
| postcode | object | { selector: '[name="postcode"]', type: 'long_name' }
| false | Postal code (Zip code) eg. '3182'
| state | object | { selector: '[name="state"]', type: 'long_name' }
| false | State eg. 'VIC'
| country | object | { selector: '[name="countryid"]', type: 'long_name' }
| false | Country eg. 'AU'
| type | description |
|--- |--- |
| long_name | Long version of the value eg. 'Victoria'
| short_name | Short version of the value eg. 'VIC'
const fields = {
['address|unit|postcode|city|state|country']: {
selector: '[name="my_field_name"]',
type: 'long_name|short_name'
Default field objects
To help save time GooglePlacesAutocomplete
has a static property defaultFields
with useful defaults you should be able to use in your code immediately, but you cant still extend or modify
GooglePlacesAutocomplete.defaultFields = {
country: {
selector: '[name=countryid]',
type: 'short_name'
unit: {
selector: '[name=address2]',
type: 'long_name'
address: {
selector: '[name=address1]',
type: 'long_name'
postcode: {
selector: '[name=postcode]',
type: 'short_name'
city: {
selector: '[name=city]',
type: 'long_name'
state: {
selector: '[name=state]',
type: 'short_name'
If you need to update the fields to have a prefix you can do so using the static method GooglePlacesAutocomplet.prefixDefaultFields(prefix)
const userPrefixedFields = GooglePlacesAutocomplete.prefixDefaultFields('user_') // => { address: { selector: '[name=user_address1]'} ...}
Extend default fields
Using ES6 you can select specific entries, and extend or create your own
// extract individual default fields
const { address, country } = GooglePlacesAutocomplete.defaultFields
new GooglePlacesAutocomplete({
selector: '#my-selector',
API_KEY: 'AIzaSyA....',
fields: {
country: { ...country, selector: '#my-custom-selector' },
city: { selector: '#my-custom-selector', type: 'long_name' },
You are able to hook into the google places api event onPlaceChange
, and assigning the formatted values to your site using updateFields
const { address, country } = GooglePlacesAutocomplete.defaultFields
new GooglePlacesAutocomplete({
}) {
// do something with the place object
return false // if you return false it will cancel the default behaviour
updateFields(fields) {